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Posts posted by Timeless

  1. Cb daily pics are looking real nice....Hopefully they will have marjies opened up saturday...And be blowing on other trails too :)


    They've posted some video footage on the website of the snowmaking today, they seem to be making really good progress. Maybe we'll see more trails open at the weekend than they have suggested. :band:bravo

  2. At Killington, I noticed a large proportion of the boarders running very "forward" stances, just wondered what the "norm" was amongst PASR members and what works best on our east coast "hardpack" (aka ice :) )


    I spent last year (my first) at +18 / -9 and about 21 inches, with my new Technines on this year I may experiment a bit more.


    Sorry to all the skiers, I guess a standard 0,0 or 90,90 for you guys, depending on which way you look at it. :D

  3. I've just been looking at the camelback trail / snowmaking report, it seems they are going to have basically one (two?) run(s) top to bottom this weekend, starting on either the Birches or Tut and then down the Meadows or the "terrain park" (if that's what a rail and an unprepared half-pipe can be called).


    If it's busy it's going to be carnage at the top of the meadows..

  4. i'm confused CB  claims to have a state of the art snowmaking system but according to their conditions page they are only making snow on 5 areas of the mountain.  one of those is a teaching hill and the other is the park.  so they are only making snow on 3 trails meadows birches and tut.  i'm sure they will expand to other trails very shortly but it seems they should be making more snow then what they are.  i understand these  are popular areas and that they are limited to how much air and water they can pump out. and I'm not saying they should have the whole mountain covered in one night but come on, you say you have the best snowmaking system?  prove it open with a record amount of trails.


    I dont know i may be looking at this wrong or am just anxious to get out there. :banghead


    Unfortunately they will only do what they need to do to keep up with the other area resorts, and they are only blowing on the areas you mention, I went by there this morning.


    It was still lovely to see all those guns blowing though. :D:D

  5. Why are they opening on a saturday!  I can't use my season pass!  I hope to get up sunday or mondy at the latest.  I saw the lights on tonite.  It was an awsome sight, I had to keep myself from staring at it through the rear window while I was driving.


    They're opening on a Saturday because that's as early as they can, and a weekend day when they will get lots of day-trippers aswell as the locals. No point going all out for a weekday when only us lot will show up.


    There will be more snow / trails and less people on sunday :) , but you know you can use a sunday-friday pass after 4pm on a saturday, right?


    I can't make saturday either because of family commitments (payback for my weekend at killington). Sunday at first lift for me.... :D:D


    I'm going to drive by on the way to work this morning just to see it for myself, their webcam is just not doing it justice.

  6. should you use base cleaner to clean off the base before each waxing? and should you iron the wax on everytime you go or just once a week?


    Go back to the top of this thread and read all the comments about base cleaner and waxing methods. There are lots of useful and experienced inputs.



  7. Sounds like your boots dont fit your bindings or something, I never heard of lifting your boot off the heel why strapped in????  :confused


    Not the boot from the binding, the binding lifts from the board at the back. I think it's because I have to put the mounting screws at one end of the plastic mounting disk to position my boots on the board properly and there's just too much leverage to keep it flat to the board.


    Anyway my list of candidate bindings are:


    Salomon SPX6

    Ride Flight Tomcats

    Technine Pro (Hebbel / MFM ot team with cap-strap added)

    Drake F60 or supersport


    Any of you have any views or experience of any of these?

  8. Yah man, conditions were great saturday, but I had the same jelly legs as you yesterday. It did get quite crowded, but was kind of fun dodging all the people. What condos were u staying in? geez... it needs to snow



    Highridge, there's a guy here at work who owns one and was going up for the owners meeting, "did I want to come along?" didn't need to ask that one twice.

  9. Can't comment on step-in as the only ones I've tried are CB's rentals and they were horrible, new (and better) ones would probably be good but for me there's something about ratcheting down the straps that's just part of snowboarding.


    As for metal / plastic, currently riding plastic (Sims Seditions), but can lift heel a couple of millimeters off of the board when strapped in (can't be good for turning). They may be light but they've got to go.


    I'll be replacing them with some technines in the next couple of weeks, I'll update this when I've tried them out.

  10. Ahh... Just got back from Killington tonite... We got there Friday night. We started running into flurries a little north of albany, and was full-out snowing by the time we got to killington. When we got there, there was about 4-5 inches of fresh snow on the ground. Yesterday was gorgeous, and great conditions. It flurried last night and this morning. Today was a bit snowy in the morning, and cleared up. Quite windy... Bring it to PA!


    Got back from K last night aswell, :D:D:D:D:D:D:D this is how much I was smiling all weekend, it felt soooooo good to be back on the snow.


    I was there for the weekend with a skier friend from work (free condo), saturday (early) was awesome, but didn't ride for long yesterday because of the wind and the fact that my legs were still F@#$ed from saturday. Conditions were lovely (see pic), got a bit busy mid afternoon in some areas.


    I'm so happy :D this might just last until CB or Blue opens.

  11. Well, they are forecasting snow showers for the poc's on saturday, maybe they're going to blow a quick couple of inches on one run so they can claim to be first open. <_<


    On this planet there is no way anywhere around here is going to be open this weekend, I'm off to Killington with some skiers from work, I can't stand sitting around every weekend praying for snow and my promised (work) trip to Europe has been postponed 'til January :angry: .

  12. Everyone should take a compulsory trip to Killington next weekend and get it out of your system for a week or so. :yes


    The weather sucks, but it did last year too, I've just had my monthly robbery by PPL and they tell me the average temps are colder than last year. Does it every really snow much around here before early december?


    The snow will come, CB will open and be overcrowded and icy, in the meantime you must head north, or move to the west. In future I would like to see November removed from the calendar in the NE states as it just causes weeks of suffering to many.... :banghead

  13. $5 for the Season..... if it was per day id never go to mc again


    If they are going to do this, it will almost certainly be per day. How else would they apply it to day tickets? Sounds like a good little earner, should allow them to re-invest some more money in their park/pipe.

  14. Nothin against them. If they have the ability, and want to go in the park, its only $5. It just keeps all those people who shouldnt be in there out, and keeps them less crowded. You can not t honestly say that there isnt people in the park that should not be anywhere near it.


    No, I agree. It's a great idea and it might just stop the day tripping muppets from hurting themselves, or worse one of the PASR members. Just don't discriminate against those of us that have passed 30.

  15. Thanks for the info! Unfortunately, I don't think we'll be able to make it this year, but we'll look into it for post-season '05.


    How late does Killington's season usually go? We'd probably wanna plan for something around April, how are conditions then?


    Conditions in late March last year totally sucked, it was actually better at CB the week after I went to Killy as we had a late snowfall just before CB closed. There was so much mud, rocks and ice at K that some of the trails should not have been open. There were still a few good rideable trails though.


    I think by April you may well be limited to however much snow they managed to build up on Superstar, this seems to be their way of claiming a long season.


    I'm also planning a late season trip, but I'll be looking for a cheap flight and heading out west for some decent conditions, I understand you can rely on April and May for most resorts in the rockies, Ms. Husky may have some better info on this?

  16. As of now, it seems like the only mountains that are planning to open by Thanksgiving weekend (and are within a reasonable driving distance) will be Shawnee, Alpine, and Hidden Valley.


    Assuming the conditions and number of trails open are comparable between the three, which would you guys go to? I've never been to Hidden Valley or Alpine, and I was too young to remember how Shawnee is.


    Shawnee rather than Alpine, but I would think both will be pretty sketchy. Where is Hidden Valley? (Presumably well hidden.. :confused )

  17. camelback updated the reports condition and it says snomaking should start mid november, the mice will be blown out with in the next week i would think if snowmaking would start middle of the month.


    I went up to CB to pick my pass on Saturday, the office staff said that they wouldn't begin blowing any snow until the ground had really frozen, probably around Thanksgiving :(


    One thing I didn't know till then was that they are dependent on their own local reservoirs of water and are therefore limited to a finite amount, if they blow too early and it all melts they could be in difficulty later.


    Really depressing to leave with pass in hand and a dusting of snow on the runs, and no chance of using them for another 4 weeks, I'm just going to have to head north next weekend. Did any of you make it to Killington / Okemo / Hunter this weekend, and how was it?

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