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Everything posted by uglyman

  1. is this gonna happen again...cus it loked like mad fun....any one have inside info or is this a real weather permitting kinda thing
  2. uglyman

    Tnutting my board?

    i actually drilled holes in my board...and love it.....i like ridin a wide stance cus its so easy to control and u can do so much goofy shit w/ it..like just messin around a hoppin on everything.....i think its easier to ollie w/ a wider stance...plus w/ a close stance ollies normaly suck.
  3. camelback sucks hardcore.....their new hip..isnt hippy at alll..everything ther is just so bad.....then they try to make a better more advancd park....and all the rails r freakin monsterous.
  4. yeah i ride a wide stance....and i find that i have so much more control on rails and with neat-o flatland stuff...i dunno its personal preferance.....but i have noticed u can judge someones skill just by lookin at their stance
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