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Everything posted by LineSki

  1. Trek 4300 with downhill components k2 fujatives, Line skogen sprangs for handrails.
  2. I made up it to cb on friday night and had a blast even though the only trail they had open was rhodo. the new c box at the end is butter one of my favorite jibs ever
  3. wait i have a pair of line ski boards in my closet that are either the flys or pros, they are the ones with the clown on the back. anybody know if i can get a refund for these bad boys? haha.
  4. the whole thing about the highest std rate is that when they did that survey they took the average of the surronding reading and allentown area and submitted it to the state who asked for it. all of the state schools where suppose to do it but it turns out that kutztown was the only one that submitted their results and so when they say we have the highest its not true because we were the only ones in the whole survey.
  5. yeah i did meet you before. do you go to kutztown?
  6. i will get on that.
  7. im a freshman at kutztown looking for some people to ride with.
  8. hey ski have you ever shot any lacrosse games in the lehigh valley?
  9. that is sick congrats for him.
  10. I agree 100% with the gaps on they are just too big. I can clean the flat down, but I mean come on its a freakin booter on to the rail, i hit the middle of the flat and launch all the way down the down. The 40 foot, I just hit the rail and bounce off it pops you up soooo much and really hard to land on. If the setups were like boulder, shit would be like butter, but then again thats boulder and anything they do is pretty much perfect. Yeah something needs to be done about the set ups i didnt think they could mess them up more but now they put huge lips on the take offs and say its better, well there not.
  11. blues park is fun, my favorite rail is the flat down on the stair case the whole stair case was nice and easy. C-box was fun and ate shit on it multiple times but still enjoyed it. i didnt have enough balls to hit the rail on top of the bus so i just hit the sides.
  12. no park at blue?
  13. dont have the equipment, if i could get some i would deff try
  14. well there it is whats it like up there.
  15. im between 17-20, was there saturday night, and have 07 fujis. But I did not hit you, i was in the pipe a lot of the day and night
  16. the pipe is nice, the only objection i have to it is that its not that long, but its still great. but the quarter pipe, is just so much fun. I hiked it so many times this night and this morning. I also got in the daily pic of the quarter pipe, im not the one hitting it just sitting there waiting. I really cant say enough how much i love that quarter pipe.
  17. couple years ago my friend got his board stolen and we were in a mad scramble to find find it or the kids. but i told the security what just happened and they said they have found the guy already and was getting processed. I was like damn cb thats impressive.
  18. see you saturday i will be there
  19. im so sad blue is closed, looks like i will have to go to camelback maybe i will see some of you blue sluts there
  20. LineSki

    CB 1/4/07

    yeah i had lots of fun up there last night it was a jolly time
  21. I had lots of fun today just jerking around in the park. but all of the boxes were like an inch off the ground. The picnic tables were most fun but they closed them around like 1. the one jump they had was fun though. all in all it was a good first day back on the snow.
  22. thanks for atleast trying to give me ride haha. Im leaving in about 15 minutes to go up there, should be a smashing time.
  23. who cares, im just pumped that I get to miss school to go skiing. But I need to find a ride up.
  24. why are you selling all of this. Someone said you quit skiing? how much would the pants and jacket be together
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