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Everything posted by LineSki

  1. LineSki

    Whacks Wax

    hahaha that sucks
  2. 1,000!!
  3. I was there with everyone killing the park, nice day.
  4. yeah your house is sick
  5. the conditions were great today, snow was real fast. But it was icy in too many spots. I was only there for a little, I wasnt feeling great.
  6. fuck this, they lost my business for next year.
  7. I cant wait to go to boulder again, shit was tight.
  8. LineSki

    Race trail

    must be my beat ass dell
  9. LineSki

    New Board!!

    my friend broke his dominant last year, got a brand new one on warranty, and by mistake the loft called him up again in october and said we have your board on warranty. so he went up and they gave him ANOTHER brand new dominant.
  10. about a night and a half, 3 2x6x8, 6 2x4x8, and these little like framing studs for support
  11. I will get some pics up this weekend
  12. cost me 36 with all the wood, and the pvc was free. 18 feet of fun
  13. I need a make a little edit of me hitting my flat down flat
  14. nice little shesh. that you tube is like the best website for uploading videos. you tube works awesome for me
  15. LineSki

    Race trail

    hey metz could you do us all a favor and make you signature smaller, it messes up the whole page.
  16. Im pretty sure the one was getting interviewed by NBC on saturday on the meadows. the lifties were like yeah thats the owner right there.
  17. next week, me likey
  18. LineSki

    Race trail

    and the park crew doesnt do shit I might add.
  19. LineSki

    Race trail

    rangers are nothing, but they always catch me at the lift.
  20. my friends palmer renegade
  21. im a half hour from cb, hey civic your from easton? I thought there was like 4 people easton on here and I know them all.
  22. LineSki

    Race trail

    I never understood this though why mountains dont do that. It would be just like a terrain park except cheaper. Just leave gates up all year long, have like a starting gate and stuff. That would be cool, if it was wide enough you could have the course where you do a lot of turns and then the one were you fly down(im racing illiterate)
  23. I find it amazing skidude that we have never met, or racerchik. Im always looking for a tall kid with a race team jacket. I will be looking saturday.
  24. I didnt have much of a problem hitting stuff, I hit the flat box, flowed right on to the battle ship, then flew off that and hit that jump. waited for my friends and either hit the rainbow or flat down box, I only got cut off like twice coming from the flat box to the battleship
  25. LineSki

    Nile Mile

    woot woot
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