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Everything posted by LineSki

  1. because theres a lot in pa?
  2. upgrade to the karmas, or atleast something with two tips
  3. he called my friend while we were on the lift saying he was snowboarding on all this fresh pow, then he said who the hell does mike know in montana?
  4. why do you always end your posts with lol lol. just wondering lol
  5. LineSki

    Nile Mile

    they might be able to open it this weekend. all they have to do is just open nile and julius ceaser i believe. Or whatever trail is to the right when you get off the quads because then it could just take you back to the base.
  6. whats so gangster about helly hansen?
  7. As bad as the park was, that is nothing for what is to come, it will get way more crowded and more rude people. The park is nothing but a bunch of assholes who just stood next to the flat down and yelled at passing kids. Even when kids were trying 270s on and completely ate shit they would laugh at them. hey cblocal do you have the brand new AR5s? if so I was talking with you for a little.
  8. papa I was expecting to see you on twins, bust out the karmas
  9. yeah you would see people poaching the trail that connects hump and asp. And then a some rangers on meadows bombing down to the lift.
  10. This is the reason why it is a rumor
  11. I guess?
  12. I heard from my friend whos uncle is a ranger, that in an email he recieved that they will be moving the park over to by rhodo. I dont think they are doing it next year, but possibly the year after that. They are doing this I guess so they can hide the parks because getting to rhodo is hard if you have never been there. It will deff keep a lot of the noobs away. I dont know what trail excatly though, I was thinking on poc raceway. It is so wide and we could have the racers on one side, and rats on the other. What do you think?
  13. wow that would get boring real fast, I have to talk with people on the lift.
  14. LineSki

    who's goin

    I was there today, green and white puffy jacket and white pants. I met steeze and lib. I really liked the set up of the battleship.
  15. LineSki

    who's goin

    I will also
  16. I was there today, I have to admit I liked the powder at times. It would have been great if my legs were broken in. They were killing me in the bumps. The parks jumps were not that much fun, they were more like mounds of snow, they had no lips at all. I saw some kid with like a goldish, brownish jacket today with a pasr sticker on there helmet, I hope they groom for tomorrow
  17. lets hope it stays true
  18. LineSki

    Gear ???

    no idea, I just know the one time I went in they had orage stuff
  19. hahaha go skiing
  20. cbizzle
  21. haha thats great, he will have some questions for me on sunday
  22. no need to, I know my school will close, and if they dont. Then I will be out the door before my mom wakes me up so theres nothing she can do
  23. LineSki


    There is this inside joke between me and my friends with marjies delight. We laugh everytime we go on it.
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