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Everything posted by LineSki

  1. yeah im pretty sure its at an angle
  2. 845 is pushing it i think.
  3. Wow I am really happy right now, this just made my day. I just hope its not set up diagonly but like facing you when your looking straight down the trail.
  4. LineSki

    Season Pass

    yeah I think mine is the best picture I ever took, when I went to pose the guy was like you sure you want to look like that. I was like yes sir lol.
  5. its a form of plexiglass, and its called lexan.
  6. LineSki

    my new rail

    im making the excact same thing, but mine is going to a double barrell made out of 2 inch schedule 80 pvc pipe.
  7. I wouldnt know much about throwing boxers , but bras, its all in the wrist.
  8. wow, 90 times waxed before a world cup race? I always wondered, if they take more than one run on the race course, do they have a second pair of skis untouched to snow they put on for another run? Or do they just use the same pair. I didnt know I should let it sit overnight, I just usually let them sit for about 15 minutes come back scrape them off. My skis are on rails so obviously im not very concerned about the bases that much.
  9. LineSki


    figments are nice, but only from what I hear. If you want to get rid off goggle fog you can always put rain x on the inside of the lense. I dont know how good that can be for it, but I always did it for paintballing and it works like a charm.
  10. it really is amazing what a little needle can do.
  11. LineSki

    Pass at CB

    holy shit that is really weird, I was just about to post that. Im just curious what benefits it could have?
  12. message lurker.
  13. This is some kids yard from newschoolers. pretty sick if you ask me.
  14. LineSki

    New rails

    I like them, and I know I will still love them. They just could have done better with all that money they have.
  15. LineSki

    New rails

    if I get the first chair like I did last year, I'm going to be the first one to clean one of them!
  16. LineSki

    New rails

    I would have loved to see nice kinked rails there instead of those boxes. Camelback really only has one kinked rail, the battleship. It would have been nice to see a simple down rail.
  17. LineSki

    New rails

    I guess its cool...im just mad because they have nine rails total, they lied to me
  18. lots of fun was had tonight. busted my ass during the product toss, met lurker again, public enemy again, papasteeze, got like three hats, some stickers posters. The usual free stuff. Movie was sick, I love josh berman. Gurp i didnt see there, I was looking for you.
  19. hahaha dude, I was sticking up for you. Im all for the building of jibs, i do it myself.
  20. I was just kidding about being sponsored by line haha, I would have no problems giving you some pointers i guess.
  21. you have waited 40 minutes in line at cb? longest I have ever waited was like 7 on a holiday. On a weekend its usually like an average of 3 mins
  22. I remember my first time I landed on a rail, dont lean too far back.
  23. yeah I saw you in the hoodie.
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