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Everything posted by LineSki

  1. im sponsored by line, and I ride at camelback, thats how good I am.
  2. It was off the heezy, I won a book bag, my friend won boots, my other friend won a nice ski bag. Talked with mike wilson for a little. Movie was so so. Got yelled at for trying to climb up the poles and get the free shit that was on top of the air conditioning duct, I also told the band how much they sucked the whole night. All in all it was a great night, hopefully the SH6 premiere is this good.
  3. push for the parks!
  4. anybody going tomorrow? I will be there with 2 other friends 5 is the autograph signing at the loft. tickets are 10 dollars. doors open at 7 cb movie starts at 8.
  5. my friend got a brand new dominant for his urban board. He broke one last year so he went to loft and they gave him a new one on warranty. But last week they called him up and said his board was in on warranty. He drove up and they just gave him the board, I was so jealous.
  6. http://www.roundtopriders.com/PHP/thumbnail.php?page=1 there some on there of the roundtop kids
  7. LineSki

    Pass at CB

    haha, I still will go up after school.
  8. yeah i dont want my glen lodge taken away.
  9. LineSki

    New rails

    yeah thats a bummer, nine shitty set up rails. and as for the 40 ft, i count that as half a rail.
  10. well if im allowed to hike at blue, hmm I might have to take a nature walk.
  11. LineSki

    Pass at CB

    I picked my pass up yesterday.
  12. "Killington slammed with a foot of new snow and the forecast is calling for more this week! We have 300+ snowguns on Rime, Reason and Great Northern set to fire. Check out the new photos in the Photo Gallery! Stay tuned here for updates as we head towards opening day!" O yes
  13. between the dalbello, and the raichle. the two in the pic.
  14. thank god
  15. what is the price difference between the two?
  16. back to back c boxes
  17. I want to go to utah so bad
  18. Well if its good enough for T Hall its good enough for me!!
  19. LineSki


    I know people said they dont like wisdoms, and I still like mine. But here is a deal and a half right here. 45 dollars for oakley wisdoms. They are last years and just selling them till there gone, its a hell of a deal.
  20. LineSki

    New rails

    yeah thats justin
  21. LineSki

    New rails

    damn im nasty, Im mike I was the kid with skis who was always with justin and ricky.
  22. LineSki

    New rails

    hmm let me take my guess, are you steve?
  23. Boxes or rails like how ever many feet you desire above the deck of the half pipe or quarter pipe to stall on or grind on. Kind of like how bikers stall on the fence of a quarter pipe. I dont know if you had this there last year, but a longgggggggggg down flat down rail or box. A huge butter box like 6 foot wide. It would be really cool to see like real life obstacles or something in the park like a ledge or something, like cement or wood, something real urban. Again I dont know if you had any of this there last year but I like the cliff idea a lot. I even said before bears park is blowing up and will challenge mountain creek this year. I dont care what anyone says.
  24. LineSki

    New rails

    I just think you think it would be a great park for its length. I emailed them and they didnt respond, hey papasteeze want to do us all a favor and email them and make it sound legit as to what kind of rails they bought. Becuase we all know they dont make there own shit.
  25. LineSki


    Yeah thats where I got them. Your brother fit me for them he said if I have any troubles after skiing on them just bring them back and to work something out.
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