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Everything posted by LineSki

  1. nature valley is always one of the biggest sponsors of the us freeskiing open.
  2. that is horrible, I just cant imagine that, sorry dude.
  3. why would you pass up an opportunity to go out west regardless of good snow.
  4. anyone who got the new freeskier should read the women of freeskiing article
  5. krisiti i must say is borderline ugly, but sarah, she is hot. But of course my favorite, ashley battersby.
  6. Yeah shes from seven springs
  7. its not really invite its just really you have to know who to talk too. The guy is an active member newschoolers, so all of the info is in a special forum over there seen only by about 100 people. there trying to keep it to a mininum of riders like dh said.
  8. LineSki

    ski's for steeze

    wow that is huge news. is it just like a flowed sponsporship or like will be able to get on the am team? congrats nipples
  9. i meant a seperate on
  10. of course i will vote.
  11. cant even make your own thread?
  12. LineSki

    Hot wax

    I was thinking when you scrape off the excess wax when you get done hot waxing to get a smoother surface, cant you just leave it on. What would happen, you just dont go as fast? It would last longer too, anybody do it?
  13. LineSki

    Edge Damage

    If there are cracked edges in a pair of skis, can a shop fix them? If they can how much.
  14. thats sick.
  15. LineSki

    autospin bindings

    here is the same thing but it is just a plate, its here on getboards.com
  16. good point. rhodo doesnt open till like january sometimes
  17. So just because I like skiing a lot of park means im not really welcome on the diamonds?
  18. That was my suggestion two years ago. I didn't go down raceway once the whole year its pointless and the trail is soooooooooo wide it has so much potential.
  19. yes rails, hopefully that means better jumps. it rhodos park is as good as two years ago that would be nice.
  20. I have a question, how come the one kid is sponsored by nike. most of them couldnt even finish most of the rails except for the kid in the black. I mean they were decent none were sponsor worthy though.
  21. which nestors in allentown or quakertown?
  22. why aren't there tips on the back and why is the waist so skinny? i don't understand.
  23. I just got a letter from cb I was very happy to read. It just pretty much said what they are getting new. like a new groomer, 400 sets of new rental skis, 200 snowboard rentals, and finally the best part. Finally after years of complaining and begging they are making a difference in the parks. And another bonus is that the price of season passes wont increase and they will stay the same as last year.
  24. LineSki

    Jobs at cb

    im still undecided but im leaning towards cb still
  25. LineSki

    Jobs at cb

    I'm going to try and be an instructor this season at cb and im wondering if anyone on here was or is. I know its early, when do you think I should get in touch with them.
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