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Everything posted by LineSki

  1. LineSki

    rail pics

    just curious, what did you use to bring your two pieces of pipe together? i welded the bottom of my rail with 3 inch by 1 inch pieces of flat steel but i did bend my mine at the end to weld to more flat steel for support. im making another one tonight and wondering just what way you attached yours.
  2. nice employees cool park crew cheap season passes compared to blue nice pipe nile mile bactarian cool locals the undergarment tree
  3. LineSki


    yeah i always hit that box with a lot of speed and only end up hitting half of it though.
  4. LineSki

    rail pics

    im sorry about the grammar a 10 foot length 1 inch wide, my dad gets its for 3 bucks. and 2x4s you say. im not trying to disagree with you im just saying the flat rail i made the same as yours except its a triple 10 foot was only 15 bucks said and done.
  5. LineSki

    rail pics

    30 bucks? a 10 piece of electrical conduit is only like 3 bucks im getting some 1 inch for a new flat down.
  6. LineSki


    camelbacks straight box is so sticky, but some days it slides real nice so. i also have to agree with you there it is so nice, but yeah just like blues it is so wide and 2 feet wide, its a little too much.
  7. blue had one already this year. they have a skier and boardercross they have one more in march i think. a skier on this site won it last year.
  8. stuff like that makes me say you can kiss my season pass goodbye for next year.
  9. now thats a kid i would like to ski with lol. i ski with a boarder at camelback who does rodeo 5s and he flipped off the ranger one time when he tried to pull him over. the ranger saw him two days later and he got his pass revoked for a week.
  10. well im 16 and i only got pissy with one ranger out of the many times i have been pulled over. it was like 9:00 on a wednesday night and no one was on the mountain and im riding the walls of the trails with my friend and he pulls me over, he says i wasnt aware of my surroundings.
  11. LineSki


    yes sir
  12. LineSki


    are we meeting anywhere? what time?
  13. LineSki


    i will be there most likely show up around 10 or 11 maybe earlier.
  14. LineSki


    zaldon i saw you coming down rhodo with that big old headlight when i was hiking the kink box then i saw your brother come down and i was going to try and say hi but i didnt bother. just thought i would tell you.
  15. sorry to hear about your acl that really sucks.
  16. i have given an interview at cb when someone fell on a jump. but after they started taking my phone number and adress, i didnt feel to comfortable. of course they asked me last.
  17. i have ridden the premeir motorcycle (the bottom one) and i really liked it. it rides i think just like all of the premier snowskates, except the ones with the actually ski blade looking thing, i rode one of the once and didnt like it. i dont know i have always never liked them. but yeah i like the premier motorcycle. dont buy a cheap snowskate, you will regret it.
  18. LineSki


    i will be up there probably day, my pass is there so i wont bail out like i did for pasr day at blue
  19. LineSki


    you made money with krispy kreme stock
  20. so my friend now got his board back. i guess the cop changed his mind or something. he just said that he needs to bring it to court when he has to go for the kids.
  21. that sucks for your friends, i hate camelback. who are your friends, i think i may have taken a few runs with one of them in the terrain park.
  22. i use my bike lock its real thick. i have a set of mechanical bolt colters that are the size of wire cutters and could cut just about any lock with wire in it.
  23. line skogen sprang 176 look p12 binding palmer renegade 147
  24. lol my friend when he was caught up in the moment and all of his adrenaline was rushing he was like let me at him and stuff and me and my other couldnt help but laugh and tell him to calm down. yeah he planned on taking a drive to hacketstown. anyone on the board from there? lol
  25. yeah thats what my friend said, i dont understand why he needs to keep the board the whole season.
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