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Everything posted by LineSki
im going to be using some string, what should i use?
the snow was orgasmic tonight the fluffy powder was great.
so tonight me and my two friends are up at camelback inside eating dinner. we go back outside to hit the slopes. well my genious friend forgets to lock his board and just leaves it in the board locks without it locked so he goes to get it, its not there. he starts worrying is running around looking runs to the parking lot and goes to see if he can find the culprit. and so me and my other friend are looking around and i see a security gaurd, and ask him what we can do. i said my friend just got his board stolen and he says what does it look like i describe it '05 burton dominant, cartel bindings brown top. and they said we have it. they told me they caught the kid walking out with two boards and when the undercover gaurd spotted him he confronted him and he broke and told him he and his friend just stole it. then the security gaurd takes me back to there room tells me the kids are in handcuffs already and the police are on there way. my other friend runs to get my friend who is looking for the kid in the parking lot. we tell him he is so happy, then hes not so happy anymore. the cop tells us that he has to keep the board as evidence and probably wont get his board back till THE END OF THE SEASON!!! my friend is flipping out on the cop and hes like i will see what i can do. so the cop is going to call him tommorow and for now he has to use his old board. but the cop said can get his board back right then if he dropped the charges, but my friend wants to make them suffer so hes going to press charges and he knows someone at the loft and will prob just get a nice burton rental for cheap so it is ok.
rhodo sucked tonight the only things they have are this in order the battle ship, and a huge table top that sucks, and a kicker that was the same as last year and the hippo and the kink box were closed. when i first saw the first jump i got so excited and then i hit it with like a little speed just to check seeing it was my first time off it, so i hit it again with good speed and like it was stupid i barely went anywhere. i dunno it could be a lot better.
we got like a total of 3 now in easton, its done here. i just looked at the radar? is it supposed to snow again tonight?
easton PA we got about 2 inches and its about to to stop as of 412
the only trails i care about are cliffhanger, and of course Rhododendron Glen. i am getting sick and tired of riding the little park.
256mb for only 75 bucks that sounds like a good deal. where did u happen to get it, because im in the market for a flash player.
yeah i know i didnt get any of my stuff my mom got me for xmas till 2 weeks later. but yeah i would never order skis off the computer anyway.
and also run the risk of pissing 300 bucks down the drain and losing an ipod like my friend did at cb. its probably in pieces now in the bottom of the base.
the fujatives are cheap and are a good ski. they were designed so that they wouldnt make you go broke with a price of 349 on get boards. or if he wants to wait and getter a better deal just wait till october and get them on sale at that crazy sale they have.
ok, this is easy, just one last question what do i melt the p-tex with, a lighter, candle?
ok thanks i think i am just going to p-tex it myself. but my other question is when i have the build up of my base left i just scrape it off, will a was scraper work?
after hitting rail wrong i now have a nice 1 1/2 long by 1/8 wide gouge in my base. and where the base used to be filled in its now like built up around the whole. so if i fill it with p-tex then i will still have the build up around where the ptex will fill it in. if this too much i can handle i will just take it to a shop, but if i can fix it i will.
i heard that if you have a season pass to camelback you can get a creek card at moutain creek for ten dollars? i also heard that if you have a season pass at creek that you get a camelcard really cheap. anybody know anything.
the day conditions were a lot better and during the night i didnt wait in line once for lifts, i stayed in the park towards the night. dthmtluncrn i think i mite have seen you again in the park. and i hated the box tonight it was so slow. and during the day the park crew had to dig it up because it was slanted to the left.
i went to camelback tonight, best conditions all year they had. they had all of the tower guns going all day on the terrain park and there was fresh powder everywhere. the jumps were in good condition, and the pipe was in really good condition. most of the trails were in good condition lots of powder on the side of the trails, but on some trails there were huge 10 foot wide puddles rite in the middle of honeymoon lane and they had one lollipop in front of it, it got a little bad when i saw some people go in them and fall, there were also lots more. but all in all it was a good night.
what did your run consist of?
about the skiercross justo, is it split up by age? how many usually ppl show up? how much does it cost? sorry for the stupid questions just curious, and it doesnt say any specific details about it on the website.
http://www.lineskis.com/communicate/news.php?id=134 i know your not interested in line but hey demos at elk and jack frost.
the loft at camelback does. and they usaully have a pretty good selection of of demo skis and boards to choose from.
no this was a ski patrol guy, not a ranger. in fact i think i may have only seen one ranger in the group of 4 and the rest were ski patrol
the ski patrol guy who interviewed me yesterday was real nice. he asked me how the conditions were for the night, and how they were for the jump i went off, because a half hour earlier a kid fell on his head and had to get medivacted out.