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Everything posted by LineSki

  1. LineSki


    http://wwwa.accuweather.com/adcbin/public/...ner=accuweather look at what the real feel temperature is, wish it was the actual one.
  2. LineSki


    i am going to try and make a pair first with some junker poles i have laying around
  3. you must be one pretty fast skier
  4. LineSki

    the forum

    i recently just left a post on the message board asking some questions. just random stuff, i was just trying to get the board rolling again. and then at the end i metioned how i found out about paskiandride and i said if u love this forum u will love paskiandride more. well 2 days later it was deleted, i dont know if they feel threatened over there at cb or what, but it made me very angry. anybody want to reply on how much they love this forum more than cbs beat one.
  5. the same one you have a 6 horse 33 gallon. where do u live, is it cold enough to make snow there. and um what is the main purpose you make snow. i set up a rail or two in my yard after i have enough.
  6. i have one internal mix gun, i can only run one gun because i have a craftsman that runs about 8cfm, it doesnt sound like much but when u have the pressure washer you can get a lot more snow opposed to the garden hose
  7. you have to get special high pressure hose if your going to hook it up for your pressure washer you have to get a whole bunch of special fittings from the karcher pressure washer company. with the pressure washer, you get more water coming out in a mist as opposed to just a garden hose making mist you get a lot more at high pressure, it is easier for the water to freeze to, just a little difference, i have used both. how many cfm is your compressor
  8. i have a snowgun i use, it works ok but if i had a bigger compressor it would work better, i use a karcher electric pressure washer, ski freak do u use a pressure for your gun i know u dont have to and if u do what type do u use
  9. i never went inot a big air contest but i did ride the mountain bike course it was damn good compare to years before. you couldnt even hit the jumps, all u could do is roll over them. when ed designed all of them they were usable and jumpable. my friend was in the big air contest, he also said the jump sucked but how was the skiier cross course? i plan on doing it this year, how was the course.
  10. that is the best thing i have heard all day
  11. wheres roundtop ski mountain, got anymore info on it?
  12. best thing i heard all day. cant wait for the return of team eds house
  13. thats good to know that they will still have the blue will still have all of that. i dont know what happened to team eds house. when i tried goin on the site it just said like we are done.
  14. last year i particpated in the downhill mt bike race there. i also know that team eds house designed the course. knowing that they are not desinging course anymore will the blue terrain park crew design it or will another professional company come in to build it. also i know that team eds house built the boarder and skier cross course laste year. i wanted to compete in this, anybody else do it and tell me how it was?
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