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Everything posted by LineSki

  1. I always wondered what mountain it was.
  2. im pretty sure its not college, I think its just a ski academy. aka high school where you ski a lot and dont get in trouble
  3. any friends that play lacrosse are great. zonked what school do you go to, we play a couple of philly teams this year.
  4. he got banned again?
  5. I like using camelbacks to stall on the top, do a switch up, and 180 off. its tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
  6. umm I have seen pictures of it before and a lot places just take like thick plastic and use 2x4 framing and fill it up with water. so you jump bomb down the trail and ski across, maybe it will down home again? and into the quad area.
  7. Im 17 but do you think I could get away with doing it? anybody want to make me a fake id haha. If I enter im hitting that shit switch
  8. yes i would like to know
  9. LineSki

    new skis

    or the Line shadows, they have a narrower waist and softer flex. they rip and the park and everything else.
  10. you ate shit
  11. anyone got a pick of this shit daddy?
  12. Make a trip up to the humps, its always fun skiing new mountains. Even if you have been there once.
  13. wait a minute your telling me I still have another four years of drinking natty? I thought it was high school beer, this saddens me.
  14. I dont doubt sunday, when me and my friend rolled up at 6 the cars leaving were backed up to the LOFT. and still clogging up. But we didnt wait in line once after that.
  15. no, not if he is volunteering his time to help other the kids in the program.
  16. that looks like a bunch of guys just sat down and said ok we need a crazy rail and closed their eyes scribbled and put each other drawings together
  17. something you dont see everyday is when my snowboarder friend unstraps at the top of a trial and skis down standing on my tails. Its pretty hard but we have that shit down.
  18. actually I think bear mountain tried it. Im not POSITIVE on it, but I think when they first opened it was snowboarders only. By the way the whole mountain is one big park with 150 jumps.
  19. sweet brah, I kind of have the urge to hit up mc after that.
  20. I thought thats what it was. And dont go knockin pvc rails, I stand by them. They are so cheap and slide fine, you just have to get the right kind of pvc
  21. you probably could and it would slide alright. what excatly is flash metal? you mean like sheet metal? I think that would slide pretty well if you have a small amount of it like you said on a 2x4 or 2x6
  22. fine dont tell me I just read in the blue forum its at northern lehigh ha!
  23. so where is it? I want to do it this weekend
  24. toast you must tell me where that sexy rail is
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