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Everything posted by LineSki

  1. if it doesnt rain and stays cold enough you can always go to walmart to take the snow that they plowed. It usually stays there forever if it doesnt rain. And as for the bushkill park sign, we would need a toe in, like a fourwheeler. Which again isnt a problem but it is right next to a busy road. And we would need lots of snow to build a jump, or we could prefab one out of some plywood and 2x4s
  2. it has giant feet, 2x6's 2 feet long. that beast is solid. I should know, I built it
  3. Hey thats my backyard!
  4. justo did you come home with any cash?
  5. yeah I heard lehigh has some nice ones too. but lafayette also has alot more. they have some crazy kinks that i wouldnt try. but there is a dub kink ledge marbel ledge were going to hit up. Me and my friend are going back out afterschool to do another handrail
  6. crack runners? Yeah I find alot of those in my "hood" known as palmer township
  7. O shit I know all the honeys in easton haha
  8. nope we just tried to rub snow in the rail alot and just lived with the stickyness
  9. just give them time to load and some of them work for me
  10. ok they work again, yes dh i have a truck here is the link if the pictures dont work for you http://community.webshots.com/album/547518376zEUKLr
  11. sure but now my pictures got all messed up got all messed up
  12. We awoke to a great dumping of snow and realized it was time to do an urban handrail. So me and 4 friends traveled to Lafayatte College campus. My two other friends had already hit this rail and said it was nice and mellow so we decieded to go do it. We loaded up our shovels and shit and were on our way through college hill. So we took some time building the inrun and jump because the campus patrol was on our asses and after they decieded they werent going to do anything we proceeded. So we are hitting it for about 20 minutes, we are all eating shit and some of us are cleaning it. it was REAL sticky, I think that was due to the fact that it was an aluminum rail. We get a big crowd watching us and these two other kids come and are like hey can we hit it to so we say sure and they join in the fun. after that two more kids come up and want to do it too. So all in all it was a great day and we had lots of fun enjoy some shitty pictures. the setup This is rickymc hitting the rail this is skipoleupmyass, he came close to cleaning the whole thing but fell towards the end hit one of the poles with his shin and completely busted his shin open. I could see the meat! this is my friend justin, I think this was his attempt at 270 on This was one of the college kids that came out to hit it with us, he was killing this shit This is rickymc's ass Justin falling on yet another 270 attempt picture of the some other kid and that was my day
  13. That kid is nuts. What was the set up?
  14. if I send you lollipops will you give me stuff?
  15. if you want to screw pvc to wood, just drill it up from the bottom. you dont even need to drill a pilot hole. just make sure your screws dont grow through the top.
  16. im doing lots of stuff at the highschool tomorrow I will be sure to injure myself severly
  17. im going to make a tree jib, and do an urban. then go back to my house to hit my rail
  18. I did that last night when I was in a hurry to get out of cb and left my coat on top of my car. Thank god some guy blocked me off and said hey you got shit on your roof!
  19. ski patrol not caring, a family, and some kid going off the side of a rail. gotta love it! but those two step ups are really fun
  20. yeah its an option jump, it used to be a triple option. but then after talking to a park crew he said they had to get rid of one of the options because of insurance. now it just has one on the left and middle. there nice little step ups
  21. I will be there
  22. damn that sucks, one time i saw a kid fall into the net at the top of the quad. it was hilarious.
  23. LineSki


    does anyone happen to know the setup of the oakley jam?
  24. I will be there friday and saturday.
  25. LineSki


    I will find out, dont tell me
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