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Everything posted by LineSki

  1. hahaha, you just got owned
  2. search nipples on newschoolers
  3. either parks, pharoh, big pocono to the dromerdy (o snap no one goes on it) and the hump
  4. freedle coty in what he thought the future of skiing was going to be like.
  5. LineSki

    waxing skis

    i usually just skip waxing that part. I figure it comes off in a run anyway, and I couldnt really care about going that fast where my bases have to be even. You should see my edges
  6. rain skiing is very fun, especially at cb when there is no one there but you and your friends. ahhhh the memories
  7. soon kids are going to be doing 80 foot airs out of stunt tacos.
  8. what are you doing at blue now?
  9. on the lift!
  10. LineSki

    Stinky boots!

    when my friends dried his they use to bake in his room and his room smelled like shit. but yeah or use febreeze.
  11. nice, im pretty sure i saw that kid up at cb with you lib.
  12. the video was good and so was the second song, my response was to the riding and the boxes.
  13. thats if you ever get them back
  14. thats totally an elephant.
  15. why?
  16. doug I have to say that last freestyle was very impressive. oh and sexkitten I will be legal in a couple of months, some food for thought.
  17. it would be awesome, they could even advertise as "PA's only mile long terrain park!" and then thats all you would hear about from cb. will it ever happen? no, but do i think they are going to move the parks around and make them better in the next couple of years? yes they will, they arent stupid and will eventually get with times. unfortunately it wont be for another couple years.
  18. nice ridin brah
  19. that would probably be the coolest thing to do in the summer. I would support it.
  20. for sure man deff hit up blue. im still trying to make my trip up.
  21. you need to go back to school
  22. i like either vertical up to a rainbow or a pretty lipped gap
  23. cleaning my first rail, i was hiking it for like a half hour just trying and couldnt get the whole 40 ft. I was sweaty and tired and then i just cleaned that shit
  24. Make him train, if he wants to win and has the desire. I believe if you make him train he will realize that he does want to win and will do what it takes to get him there. hes only twelve, let him get a little sense in him then he will be going off
  25. good for you on the wallride, that thing is a bitch to get to the top. and that second is just so smooth
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