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Everything posted by LineSki

  1. thats a bad prediction.
  2. LineSki


    I saw dude in the liftline, but I was leaving so I was like ah next time.
  3. damn those kids rip, that urban wask sick.
  4. flips are all balls, you want an example? second time my snowboarder friend was on ski blades he landed multiple backflips.
  5. LineSki


    sometimes i want to leave really early just to hit the hump first thing. Besides the terrain parks, cliffy and hump are by far my favorite trails.
  6. yes sir, I guess with this new renovated glenn lodge thing pass holders get 15% off purchases over 5 dollars
  7. 28th and I do believe they have been at Buttermilk mountain for the longest time and are again.
  8. i think i might go not sure but i would like to
  9. video taking it to the max
  10. LineSki

    Shadows is back

    yeah hes not skiing again, im taking his skis away from him and using them
  11. that kid cant make a post with out putting lol lol in it. even when hes serious, it makes me mad. good luck papa
  12. i dont think so, its one of the downfalls of being a park rat.
  13. LineSki

    Twin Tips

    nah you deff didnt meet his mom tonight.
  14. good job little man
  15. I really dont believe they are going to put a 75 footer in. Jumps like that get put in movies. I will believe it when i see it.
  16. there could be enough room, just use the room at the bottom of rhodo they never really use. rhodo is bigger than laurel.
  17. if they had the jumps they had in rhodo from 2 years ago, and the battleship, hippo, cbox, 40 ft, and flat and flat down boxes in there. it would be nice.
  18. hahahahahaha, the boy sure does like to booze
  19. papa I really think as young as nipples is he should be in the advanced. thats if you werent thinking about putting him in the novice group.
  20. LineSki

    Twin Tips

    yeah thats him the crazy fuck of camelback.
  21. ive found steel wool works pretty well
  22. LineSki

    Twin Tips

    this is no lie believe it if you want or not but the first time my snowboarder friend was out on some ski blades he did a backflip. landed it and all.
  23. LineSki

    New goggles

    damn iridiums for 65 thats a deal
  24. is there a intermediate level for skiers?
  25. LineSki

    Doug vs. Jeff

    jeff, only because he has been in the gates before.
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