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Everything posted by LineSki

  1. lucky you
  2. wtf?? im confused
  3. when hes throwing his rodeo 7s he lands them anyway he can.
  4. wait im still confused can i park in the handicap spots? I can fake a pretty mean limp
  5. well I just thought all of you dominant riders would like to hear about this. The same kid that broke his dom last year and got two new ones, broke BOTH of his brand new dominants. The first one the tail just completley snapped, and the second one did what happened to jibo's a pressure crack down the middle. I dont know what it is but he has some serious bad luck with dominants, but he loves the board so he wants another.
  6. hahaha that picture is great. but yeah dont buy ski blades, rock some twin tips. that deal that montage skier has is great.
  7. wait im confused, can I park in the handicap spots at cb? lol
  8. no love me for doug? you dont want to rip the park with me?
  9. yeah his son is a ranger too, he graduated from easton either a year or two ago.
  10. great, I skiied in my backyard on my rail and probably had more fun than you did.
  11. well he broke about this time last year. then they called him in like october of this year and seemed clueless and were like come pick your new board up.
  12. correct
  13. my friend just completely snapped his 04-05 dom landing, it was real early in the season too. ended up getting two new boards out of it from burton.
  14. no it was supposed to be a flat 40 ft. instead it turned into a rollercoaster rail.
  15. verrrry niceee, blues park is classy.
  16. yeaaaaaaaah, when is blue going to be 100%? . and the cbox isnt ride on!
  17. LineSki


    yeah man thats deff nice. I used a 2x6 underneath mine, and I just drilled the pvc in from the bottom. I would build something like that, but that would cost you a pretty penny for all of that steel. that is unless it fell off a truck.
  18. the battleship is so nice right now, I just wish it was at its full size. Its really like 6 foot tall without snow around it.
  19. LineSki


    sounds like the pvc i use
  20. LineSki


    18 foot flat down flat for 25 bucks and about 2 nights of work. My rail is very, very sturdy. to who ever said pvc flexes in the cold it can only take so much then it will break. Im telling you people use schedule 80 electrical conduit. Its so sturdy and you wont catch an edge
  21. LineSki


    use schedule 80 pvc and you wont have that problem
  22. LineSki


    five feet is way short. atleast make it 10, but it should be a double barrel. It should be made out of pvc called schedule 80, its actually electrical conduit so there will be little bells on each end that have to cut off. Its the most durable and strongest pvc made, it will not crack. You have to make feet on it. and you should really have some like studs going perpindicular to the legs of the rail, something like a 1 1/2 x 1/2 stud.
  23. why on earth would you go to that little mt skidude?
  24. because its rum
  25. that battleship box is cool but I thought it was going to be TALL. it would have been a lot cooler if it was like 6 or 5 foot tall.
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