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Everything posted by skier570
oakley your a fucking faggot thats what ive been saying the entire time u cock sucker.
Alright listen i guess all the people here dont really know what the rictorbeez are realy like n about because people were talking bad about us when they have no clue whome we accually are and we/i/nick got pissed............were accually a bunch of teens that love the mtns and would give ne one mad props for a good job n encourage any one to do better n go bigger we accually attepmpt to help some of the younger locals to improve in the sport of skiing and snowboarding were just about 12 really good ski bum friends that are at the mtn EVERY day in the winter yould you like to know how many times ive skied with a garbage bag on not to get wet in the rain or wear my floresent yellow rain suit to stay dry were always at the mtn and became really good friends we try to help eachother get better in diffrent aeras n maby pick up a few sponcers but mostly we just love to ride our shitty park and after the (rare) snow stormes duck ropes to ( lower fast track,white lighting and ne other closed trail) we pritty much do what ever we want to have fun even if its brakeing all the rules and just take a run down montages snowtubeing on our skis n boards(wich we have done) we would accept any one into our group that had the same love as us the mtns is where its at were DEFF. NOT ASKING ANY ONE TO ACCEPT US OR LIKE US but just get off our backs till you see us or hang out with us you are all trash talking but you dont know the real rictorbeez yea we do cause alot of trouble but were just doing it in fun and its not like were doing any thing too horrible n when we get caught we get the same conciquence as every one else get a corner clipped on our season pass and some times get kicked out for the rest of the day its not like we think or feel intouchable we love to have fun n do ne thing to have it take us or leave us were not out to make friends and chances are we wouldnt llike most of you ...........no offence but w/e so just get off our backs for now wait till the white stuff comes back in like december and see us at the mtn. alright thats it im out 187
yo doug i personaly know one of the ppl that tryed to by montage for a large sum i beleave around 9 millon he is a rictor bee his fother and a bonch of other ppl tryed to buy it but they were the first offerer 2 or 3 years ago and offerd i beleave 9 but montage sed no because it was worth waht they sed 11 something mill so they backed out shortly after or befor they were the owners of eagle rock facility for a year and got it back on their feet by working on the park and just getting the word out their of the mtn. i think that a combonation of new lifts and GOOD PARK will attract many new people to come and join us skiing at montage n with in 2 years ticket sales would be on the up and eventually they could and probably would jack up the prices on every thing..........i donno but im going to be at the press meeting n i think thier may bee some new offers for the mtn comeing up soon lets hope!!!!! something needs to happen I LOVE THAT SHITTY MTN! where would i go with out it elks like 45 min away n it blows neways 187 you right in good seasons theirs awesome woods skiing and if montage wasnt pussys n alowed glade skiing (woods sking) i think that could also invite more ppl we need a big owner to come in thhis year and develop the back side of the mtn theirs plenty or room ive accually hiked up n skied the back side of montage its decent steep ness and i also ride my quad their in the summer and ive been known to ski under the cannonball lift and let me tell you that is deff the best skiing at montage i must say they need to make that a tripple dimond n open it for other experts because theirs nice small cliff drops n u can easally fit a snow machine in their to make it nice but thats just my opnion 187
ohh yea it seems like ur accually haveing fun on this shit because umm you keep re posting dont you......... umm im in this for fun even tho i and most of my friends have local sponcers were not looking to get big were just a bunch of TEENS that love to go to the mtn. every day and hang out n represent our crew i mean you probably were the same at one time but now your out west n it seems like its gone to you head i mean look at what u ride perfectly groomed park n trails every day........you know what were rideing here in scranton its ice with some rails n some mounds of ice called jumps if you came back here n saw us all ride youd probably be suprised abot what we can do even tho we dont have the correct facilitys were all going to montages meeting tomro to press a better park n sale because new manegment can meen new park n shit soo if u saw us n couldnt give us props for doing our best with what we have UR HEADS TOO BIG and if u think haveing the best sponcer is all its about........youve lost what this sports really about...........hanging out with friends in the park or the rair powder runs and haveing fun ducking roaps to closed trails or just pissing ppl off for a laghf you know what i mean this is a peace offering for the rictorbees to yourself take it or leave it this dont come to often alright?????????.............. well post back at me............ 187
lol lol you know it sean you know it its fun always haveing something to say n do i love that this guy keeps opening his mouth keeps me busy when im just sitting on the computer late at nights yanno 187
wow nick now that dh knows some real shit about me for some reason hes got his mouth shut wow that never happens because hes probably always deepthroating someguyz for free shit yeaa thats how he really gets it.............
umm accually hes just reping his boys you prob wouldnt know what thats like nicks a cool kid n even tho hes not a richtor bee hes a friend of us loyal n would stick up for us with any one un like you self i suppose........... im accually 17 and 185 pounds 6'2" if you would like pictures of me just ask you dont have to go to the websight to look for me but thanks for supporting one of our videos we love yea for that and accually i dont listen to much rap im more into angles and airwaves,saves the day,and say anything but good guess,,,,, oh about the movie i beleave only one of my friends was fighting with him?? yea thats not me im not as out of shape as you and what you probably wish i was because as soon as you post when you comen back to pa ill be waiting lol thanks alot tho fag bag! 187 Yo Sean the DH guy is just a big D-bag n i couldnt let him go on talking like he was gods shit or someting you know the beez we stick up for one another the kids talking about mark n marks not even here to rep. him self so im his voice lol lol
IS THAT WHAT U THAUGHT ??? or were you thinking other wise?
come on kid 187 is the oridginal fothers of the rictor bees like me mark bobby jc n colin........ and 187 is like a code for the cops meaning murder n like when ur in jail if ur in for a 187 ur in for murder lol yea knooooo 187 bitch
nick how often r u on this fucking thing lol you know how we role!!! if one of us cant beet you WE ALL DEFF. CAN lol lol 187!
umm no dh this is more like how i and my boys role this is from the st pattys day parade day n the guy was trying to steel our wood we were rideing on................ENJOY http://media.putfile.com/dsdbdjhcdsFIGHTcfbvjh
Alright im that kid that was on robot foods name shit got all messed up he made a name at my house n then i did n i thaught i was on my name adding replys n stuff but it turns out i was on his name MY BAD MY BAD yea i love my fellow beez and i wold do ne thing for them fighting on the computers gay id rather do it in person lol i so agree with doug that dh guy was deff in the closet for a while............lol DJ yea really it would.............theirs reason behind the name us founding fothers love the story lol 187 DJ