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About GSSucks

  • Birthday 05/25/1985

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    Rocker 122's, ON3P Billy Goat, Sick Day 102, Trouble Makers, Bumpers, Sir Francis Bacon, Big Trouble (Tele), MonoSki
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    Im Blue

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  • Interests
    I ski and ride bikes

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Super-G Racer

Super-G Racer (6/10)

  1. Damn good trip, weather was perfect. My face is still sunburnt from all of the light reflection off of the snow. I have some GoPro footage that Ill try and throw together, we shall see how that works out. I think Jeff nailed the TR pretty well so I dont really have much to add. Pumped to get back up there again next year!
  2. You can change the pass price. I have no idea what I paid last year, it was not a lot but more than $350.
  3. https://www.skipasscalculator.com/
  4. Metal edges? Nordic touring set up if you will?
  5. Felt like skiing in VT without the drive, dam fun morning. Might try and make it back Wednesday morning before the rain.
  6. No one cares you have pivots with cast plates, and use a rubber band to hold up the brakes. ❤️
  7. Great news, congratulations on the sweet ride! Maybe we can carpool to some Epic resorts.
  8. Should be some more chairs up for grabs in the next year or so.
  9. Im coming out.
  10. Back at it. Skin lap at Stratton on the way to Jackson NH, skied almost top to bottom with a little fast grass thrown in for fun. Made it to Tuckermans Saturday morning. The hike up was mud, rocks, slush and snow, we did skin a bit towards the top. Boot pack up right, they got about 6” of snow on Thursday night and we had first tracks in right. Really heavy cream cheese snow. Boot up left En-root to Hillmans. We skied down Hillmans and to rope 7, then back to hiking on the way out. In total it was 8.2 miles,4100’ of vert, 7.5 hours, 4 beers, 2 liters of water and countless snacks. All in all a great day in the mountains. I suck at taking pictures so this is the best I have. After a few more beers and snacks in the lot we were on the road to Killington for the night and gondola laps on Sunday. They reported 30ish trails and the skiing was damn fun. Great way to end April skiing. On to May! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. If I remember correctly Paradise usually melts pretty quick, going to be a mud skin for sure. Take a loot at the mountain cameras. Looks like Main would be the logical trail at this point.
  12. https://www.solitudemountain.com/mountain-and-village/dining/the-yurt
  13. Spring slush will strip wax in a day
  14. I took another pair out of the press Saturday morning, and finished them up Saturday afternoon, they are getting a tune now. I’ll have the new pair at Blue on Saturday, this will be S2P2. Yes, they do have a picture of my son shirtless on the tip, there may also be a Waldo hidden in there somewhere and perhaps a rocket if you look hard enough. In other news, I remounted S2P1 (the last pair) with a pair of Look px’s. If I did my math correctly, they should be adjustable from a ~25.5 to ~28.5 boot size, they will be available for anyone that wants to take a few runs on them, just find me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Bullshit, I have pictures of @snorovr upside down in a bush in Moonshine Bowl, and I know you were there. Sun King is "Sticky Ditch" then you are stuck in the hell hole that is Gordons Gully. Basin moves people, I dont remember lift lines ever really being a thing there even on holiday weekends.
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