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Everything posted by bblunt13

  1. still for sale?
  2. Think about it for a second, every resort that was established more than 15 years ago was only skiing at one point. If snowboarders had the same mentality then, as you are suggesting now, we might never have been able to enjoy lift serviced terrain. I know this is an extreme point of view, but its true. At some point you have to take the so called, "high road" and instead of looking at purchasing a lift ticket as supporting an entity that does not want you, think of it as you taking advantage of new terrain, terrain that has never before been touched by a snowboard. Enjoy the new freedom. Another extreme example: when african americans were finally allowed to drink from the same water fountains as whites or sit in the front of a public bus, they took advantage of it. I think the quote is, "to err is human, but to forgive is divine." hahahah. If you ask me I say shred on.
  3. I think thats dumb. There is no reason that snowboarders should boycott Taos. It makes no sense, its that kind of tit-for-tat mentality that messess some much stuff up. Eventhough taos may have realized that snowboarding doesn't equate with sin a little late does not mean that we shouldn't take advantage of all that it has to offer. After all, its not about Facisit pigs as people on TWS are talking about, its about the fact that people who have one plank are now able to easily access some new, very nice (from what i understand) terrain. Take advantage of it.
  4. any word on whether there will be an opening day park? maybe on come around like last year?
  5. Well for me it is just alot smoother and more fun to ride. If you look at bear's rails/boxes their pretty much all round coping...i think its the way to go.
  6. Round coping is all that i want!!
  7. i just watched picture this and its pretty sick. the HD is real nice but I still like last year's vid, Follow Me Around, better. The parts were kind of short in this one. Shaun White and Kevin Pearce have a real sick half-pipe sesh though..and i usually am not a big fan of Shaun...
  8. you won't go to jail...a citation yea but not jail time. But i would say its worth the risk, i mean its the same as hitting a street rail, the cops can show up there even easier...
  9. Sooooo beat. They could most def. stay open for a little while!! I know its a business decision, it just sucks that we lose out on all that slush! haha
  10. yo dharrisburg...were you part of Edellwise 7 last year? and is that video from the end of the summer anywhere online or was it a one time showing?
  11. i'm pretty sure im going session 2 also...it should be sick! Have you been before?
  12. I'm looking to sell my old pair of Oakley A Frame Goggles. Only used for last season. Glossy, deep blue with Black Iridium lenses. Looking for about 80 bucks or best offer...let me know!!!!!
  13. at bear creek on a busy weekend its not a short 100yd walk...sometimes it can be much much longer they have that shuttle now though..still a hassle..
  14. from top to bottom in comearound: 1. small step down 2. small step down 3. large Battleship Box 4. weird hip thing 5. small battleship 6. small jump its not that bad and pretty empty usually but i like sidewinder 100x more...(obviously)
  15. yeah the wind was nuts at the top but everything was realll sick...i couldnt do the S i can only get like halfway...to many circus rails..i guess when someone finally nails one they're cool...
  16. the lower park was really nice except lots of little kids and gapers as usual on the lower park but if thats a preview, sidewinder should be sick...
  17. bblunt13


    alright good. i will ride mos def.
  18. bblunt13


    I'll be in CO for that weekend and will get the chance to ride saturday and sunday (27th and 28th) but i will be in denver..should i make the trek to Aspen to watch? or just ride at Winter Park? Combo Deal?
  19. i think that wider lips would be nice...but i think that cheese wedges like last year are a better basic design then table tops, table tops just allow people to roll over the lips. Table tops in Terrain Run but not sidewinder. I also like the option idea where there are lots of choices at any one particular place. Also, the boxes at blue kinda seem lacking, some are pretty sketchy...
  20. it actually looks pretty good out there...definitley better than i thought.. the rails look mad smooth (at least from the webcam) but yea ill be up there prob around 4
  21. yea coverage is lookin awful ...BC-Mark any updates? You guys still planning on opening tomorrow?
  22. I would like to see some realllll smooth rails with nice lips...just some laid back stuff to session...and ya a jump would be awesome..
  23. Finally!! i will be up there around 4 cant wait
  24. alright i dont know if this was covered before..but are there going to be stairs going up? or will they just build a lip up without stairs?
  25. bblunt13

    new videos

    Follow Me Around by MDP was so sick. Eerro Ettala's part was probably one of the sickest parts ive ever seen..so was Jeremy Jones'...so nice..and the music fit every part perfectly.
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