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About Usercrm

  • Birthday 05/05/1988

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  • Equipment
    Forum Jp Walker 04-05 model 154 cm ,Forum Team Bindings Black m/xl
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Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. alrite this topic is old but i shall say i will be riding a shit load more at least 6 - 8 hours a day this season since im outta school and driving wanna come give me a shout out on aim Forumsnowx88
  2. Usercrm

    Park Crew

    03 -04 season played it over intercoms only over the lower park by the pipe shitty quallty n echoed it was kool
  3. I heard they are trying to open up around thanksgiving or some thing idk
  4. Usercrm

    BC park?

    look like you can get air off it haha *ideas that will probly end in failure and pain but sound fun too*
  5. Very fun stuff id say lol it would be kool if they had a starting thing like races where ya can push off hahaha
  6. Usercrm

    HEY !!!

    im my sn on aim Its Jsscrm
  7. Usercrm

    HEY !!!

    its to late now u wanna go tomorrow?
  8. Usercrm

    HEY !!!

    Any one want to come boarding with me today? All my friends are ethier hurt or In mexico >_< and it sucks boarding alone so any one up for it? Thanks Dave
  9. i will be wearing Camo Pants and a black jacket ill have a bad lieutenant helmet K2 googles ill have a jp walker board with red base soo if ya see me n wanna board just gimme a yell my names dave ohh and ill probly have a bandania around my face
  10. ok well lets work some thing and make a meeting place for all the people going up tommorrow
  11. HEY...Tommorrow is opening day ive heard ...im gonna be going up there alone since every one else is going to be in school dose any one wanna board with me ?!?
  12. i need money
  13. It be awsome if it opened the 31st!
  14. what about the new jp walker board?
  15. what snowboard should i get this season im going to be riding ever day n im trying to hit up as much comps as i can so i need a board that will fly with good control n pop n carving lol n hit jibs good go off jumps good and good for pipe and mt riding n racelol i know its alot to ask for a board id probly need it in size 151-155 so ne one know what i should i get i wanna know what ya think p.s. if it dosnt make snece i was half asleep when i wrote it sorryu but plz help me out
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