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About rideKINK156

  • Birthday 06/28/1990

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    RideKink 156 hobbo jacket airblaster!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    Bear Creek

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  • Interests
    snowboarding skateboarding photography videography and video game design

rideKINK156's Achievements

Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. My japanese is not so good since I stopped trying to teach myself. I think the only thing I remember was "I would like a hamsandwich" ... But its nice to be able to actually watch whats going on up there.
  2. Whats the deal with tonight? I assume you cant make snow so will that be a big problem? How much do you have down and how much do you think you'll lose? Also, how much are you looking to have (base depth/trails covered) to be able to open?
  3. just so long as its not some conspiracy to cut costs... you better have a good park if its gonna be worth the wait then
  4. And then they got sunday and monday too if they want to open on tuesday. but Im serious do they have a different snowmaking crew? I never remember them having a time limit to when they blew snow and thats what it almost seems like is happening. Maybe its just the water temp because of last week I dunno, it just seems wierd
  5. They arent making snow tomorrow night. too warm
  6. There are a bunch of proposed openings The 10th, at least I think, may still be a probable opening date The 12th was anounced by a Bear Creek rep on these forums. Bear Creek's website still has no word on an opening date, so basically its still up in the air. Anything could happen at this point.
  7. yea but we also have a tuesday ill still be there so what the hell im just gonna be going insane this weekend if I cant get up to Blue
  8. WE GOT ACTION!!! They're running the tower guns on Cascade. *dances* strange... does anyone know if the snowmaking crew is different cuz I never remember them being like this
  9. Does anyone know when they stopped making snow this morning?
  10. They need to throw some ice cubes in the pond or something. Its ridiculous that they should have to wait. I just checked accuweather, we hit the 28 degree mark so Im sure we'll see something soon.
  11. The lights are on but they still havent turned the guns on they're taking a really wierd approach to making snow everyone else is going insane making snow whenever possible it looks like Bear is only making snow between 9:30 and whenever in the morning ... do they have a different snowmaking crew this year?
  12. On account of it being in the 70s last week I guess. I still dont see why they need to open 80-90% of their terrain with a "top notch park" on opening day. But whatever 6 days till I get to ride again
  13. Why do they wait so long each night to turn on the guns? I remember in previous years they turned those things on right after it dipped below freezing.
  15. They need to balance how good they are on opening day with actually opening. It just sucks cuz I cant make it on a Tuesday because of school.
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