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Everything posted by rideKINK156

  1. Alllllll right then, it looks like the week after thanksgiving may be a go for snowmaking. Its been holding that the temps will get cold enough for a few days now. So Im going to go out on a limb and call Dec. 9 for a probable opening day at bear. Most other mountans are either gonna open that weekend or the weekends before or after depending on where you are and how the weather goes.
  2. http://wwwa.accuweather.com/forecast.asp?p...62&metric=0 looks promising, we can just hope it stays in that trend
  3. 36 days by my count providing Bear opens on the second weekend in december that is
  4. you mean the double rainbow?
  5. what we need are some terrain park bouncers to keep out the riff-raff
  6. I have wrecked myself before. I just dont feel like doing it again. Personally I think this is only going to get much action when it snows or if they are blowing snow onto it or maybe early morning when its still nice and fresh. Other than that I will stay away. There's plenty of other stuff to hit up.
  7. I say we place bets on how many kids blow out their knees landing on that nice new "cliff" they're gonna have. Im gonna say 7.
  8. its gonna be in the 60s next week GLOBAL FRIGGIN WARMING!!!!
  9. I usually flee the scene when I hit someone.
  10. The park groomer, or so I heard. I think his name was Bob.
  11. Good god am I jealous. I want another ice age! Or tickets to go out west.
  12. I heard they fired the old groomer for Bear. Can anybody verify if this? If this is true then it really sucks because he was a really nice guy and very good at what he did. And does anyone know who is replacing him?
  13. Snowboarding is an individual activity.
  14. Whats the cutoff age for "youth"?
  15. I stand by what I said earlier.
  16. I went to fall fest last year and there was nothing there.
  17. Or they could have left the triple where it was, and the double. Then used the new quad over at the A lift. Then you have an extra double to have fun with.
  18. Nah, two quads would have been better. Or a six-pack and a quad.
  19. and the never updated pics and contest schedules...
  20. A 40% chance in fact! But while I Think its going to be warm again this winter, I still Hope that it won't be. I'm hoping for another winter like we had 02-03.
  21. $10 says this winter is warm and nasty
  22. It is NOAA. Not the local weather channel.
  23. I followed it last year and they were pretty much in the right. If they say it is going to be in the 60s all winter, don't plan on wearing t-shirts every day but don't count on good conditions either. In other words, take it with a grain of salt but don't completely dismiss it.
  24. I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but I thought everyone should know this. This winter we will have around a 60% chance for abnormally warm weather between january and april. This means bad conditions during the time when the mountains conditions should be at their peak, and probably an early closing date. Of course this is not 100% definite at this point, and there is still the chance we get a good winter. Here's the link so you can see for yourself. http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/pred.../churchill.html
  25. I guess so, yeah. But I'm just hoping BC (if they even do it) is cool about it and everything. I'd hope they do it for the kids and not just to get a name out. It also depends alot on who is going to organize the whole thing. Does anyone have any info on that?
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