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Everything posted by rideKINK156

  1. Well then let it be a natural progression of things. I'd rather have a homegrown group of friends as BC's team. Rather than BC starting an "official" team and picking people that way.
  2. This is Bear Creek, not Okemo. If you want some press with the populace go grab a friend and tell him to shoot for you, or enter a few contests. At this point a team at BC is totally unnecesary.
  3. I like the new site, but I'm still gonna have fond memories of the old one. *sigh*
  4. What exactly would be the point of a team though? I mean its just like going to contests with your friends. You can do that regardless, you don't need a team.
  5. I dont care because I wont be on it if they do. But it could be a nice way for them to get their name out I suppose.
  6. keepnitreal
  7. And dude, I ride at bear too, and I like it. Its a great mountain and I respect what they've done with it over the past few years. But just cuz you ride there doesnt mean you can bash someone elses mountain. Especially since this is PA and all the mountains leave alot to be desired (technically none are even "mountains" they're all just hills cuz they're too small). And this whole "skiing is for fags" and "oh you must suck cuz you ski" thing has got to stop. I know some skiers are ass-holes. I also know some snowboarders are ass holes. Just cuz you ride two pieces of plastic doesn't make you any better or worse than someone who rides one. Punk is Punk
  8. And I'm sure you throw corked triple tractor trailor truck drivers over 100 footers dont you? I'm amazed at how much people claim and spit insults on a forum.
  9. BC is crowded because they only have 500' of vert. Unless they move everything to the other side it will always be crowded there. Blue is twice as big, thats why the lines are shorter and there is less crowding. But Bear was smarter for putting their park on a straight run instead of the switchback thing Blue uses. Bear cant get any taller, and Blue probably wont put their park on a compatable trail, so any things said about "whos rails are better" or "your biggest jump is only 30 feet" are all really moot points because both parks have much bigger flaws. At least now Bear is making it so that their parks only have one point of entry.
  10. i dont think it goes online until like... november
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