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Everything posted by jordan

  1. oh em gee, double black diamonds? I skied one of those once
  2. jordan

    Co resorts

    barb, if you do decide on loveland, shoot me a PM when you come out here, I would be more than happy to show you guys around.
  3. jordan

    Co resorts

    Honestly, If I was in your situation, I would buy loveland passes. There is some really good terrain at loveland. I ski about 75% of my days there even though I have the colorado pass as well. It is also much closer (about 1:10 from boulder), less crowded (I have never waited in a line outside of october and powder days), and cheaper (adult season pass costs ~$250). BTW, although you would wait in less I70 traffic coming back from winter park, it is a wash after you consider the traffic jam at the on ramp to get back on I70 from berthoud in the afternoon. The only way to ensure you will never wait in traffic is to buy eldora passes, but if you are going to eldora, you might as well just ski in Vermont.
  4. sno has better terrain though
  5. Colorado has no such law. I am in favor of laws requiring helmets for kids. Adults can make their own decisions. Parents should already require their kids to wear helmets. Having the law in place just protects kids from stupid parents.
  6. Blue Ridge Real Estate (the true owners of Jack Frost) had talked about expanding past east mountain for years, as they own all of the surrounding land. Now that Peak Resorts manages, and solely profits from JF, I doubt blue ridge has any incentive to fund an expansion. Its a shame because there is some damn good terrain out there
  7. Climbing them? maybe...skiing them...HELL NO. There are quite a few that I can safely say that I will never have the desire (or probably the skiing ability) to ski..capital, pyramid, north maroon, longs, little bear, crestone needle, and probably more I am forgetting.
  8. Ok, so I also posted this on TGR, but I thought I would post it here too, just to bring some life back to this board So, I had about a month with nothing to do after finishing classes before I go home to my summer job. My buddy josh just works a few nights a week at the movie theater in boulder. So we decided to do quite a bit of skiing this may/early june. Sorry about the sub-par photo quality at times...Pictures were never really our priority what: Quandary Peak- cristo couloir Crew: me and josh when: 5/11/10 We did not really get many pictures this day as it was cold and windy, but josh managed to snap a couple of me skiing down What: Arapahoe Basin (east wall) Crew: Me and Josh When: 5/17/10 So, the east wall had been open for a couple weeks already, and we had failed to ski it until now. I think the east wall has some of the best in bounds terrain in the front range. It did not disappoint on this day, and was smooth and buttery. Again, there were no pictures taken of josh (but that will change as we progress), my camera is broken During the day, we were eyeing up Shit for Brains.. It looked pretty good to go Shit for Brains Couloir Crew: Me and Josh When: 5/18/10 We decided to go for the direct approach up shit for brains on this day. It was a good thing we did, because it was really hard, and we had to wait a while to ski it. We may have not known that if we went up the ridge. We got to the top at 10AM, but had to wait until around 1PM to ski down. Me waiting at the top Looking Down Josh, killing some time Me again: time to ski? View up the couloir from the bottom: Marjorie Bowl Crew: Me and Josh When: 5/21/10 We did not get any shots of skiing today, but I thought I would throw some pictures that were taken in here Loveland Camping Trip Crew: Me, Josh, Nick>Jesus, Mike_Records, Ethan (Tough Gosey's Roommate (TGR)), Rachel, When: 5/21/10 - 5/23/10 Camping at the ski area is a lot of fun, especially when you have a nice warm deck to pitch your tent on: On saturday morning, me, josh, and nick made an attempt at skiing porcupine ridge, however gale force winds forced us to turn around and ski porcupine saddle. No shots were taken this day. On saturday night, the rest of the crew arrived and on sunday, we took another shot at porcupine ridge, this time the weather was a lot nicer me: Rachel: Josh: Mike_Records: That night, mike decided it would be a good idea to build a jump-to-snowman-tap down by Eto: Ethan: Mike_Records: Josh: Before going home, me and josh decided to take a few runs on the south chutes me: Josh: Citadel (Snoopy's Collar) Crew: Me and Josh When: 5/25/10 I ski at loveland all year, and stare at this thing every day. It was time to ski it. We opted to go up dry gulch Up: Hagar: putting on some crampons to boot up the collar: at the top: We got to the top too early (around 10), and had to wait about two hours for it to soften up, but eventually, it was time to ski: me: Josh coming down the apron: Josh really likes figure 8's for some reason: Mount Hagar Crew: Me and Josh When: 5/26/10 This is another one that I stare at every day from loveland, it was nice to tick this off the list as well. We contemplated accessing this one from the west side of the tunnel, but since we didn't have two cars, and didn't want to hitch-hike on I70, we decided to access this from dry gulch as well. Going up: Time to ski, Me: Josh: Me: I thought this shot was cool with the citadel in the background: Mount Evans Crew: Me, Josh, and Eric (Skibum193?) When: 5/28/10 So the road to the summit of mount evans opened today, so me, josh, and eric decided to go up and do a couple of car laps. There was not too much snow up there this year, and the down-climbs to get to the north facing stuff wasn't very appealing to us, so we decided to ski the east facing stuff. I'm not really sure what any of these lines are called. Me and eric got 1 lap each, and josh got 2 (eric had to make it back to boulder for work) Me (1st lap): Eric (2nd lap): the two lines taken from the parking area at summit lake: no pics of josh today, but he got to ski 2 laps, so I'd say its even... Torrey's Peak (The Emperor) Crew: Me, Josh, and Scott (Spthompson) When: 5/30/10 Scott posted a thread about doing some skiing and I responded. I have never skied with or even met scott before, but I am glad I did. I origonally had the idea of skiing the dead dog couloir, but scott suggested the emperor on the north face. This is the line on torrey's most easily seen from I70. It is a lot of fun and has a ton of vertical. We met scott at 6AM in bakerville. Scott left his car at the base of grizzly gulch road (there are large snowdrifts still at the bottom of the road), and we drove up to the stevens gulch trailhead. the crew at the summit: me: Josh: Scott (Spthompson) Skiing: Me: Josh: Scott: The line from the bottom: Coon Hill (Southeast Face) Crew: Me, Josh, and Ethan (Tough Gosey's Roommate (TGR)) When: 5/31/10 This is another line that is clearly visible from loveland that I have always wanted to ski. Access doesn't get much easier than this. We simply parked at the west portal of the tunnel and the summit was a short 2 mile, 1200 vert climb from there. There was still snow almost all the way to I70, so we were able to skin most of the way. ethan skinning: Josh hiking: ethan took some really nice shots on this one.. Josh: me: Ethan: Grizzly Couloir Crew: Me, Josh When: 6/3/10 So, I saw this line the day we skied Torrey's with Scott, and I really wanted to ski it, just because it looks so cool. I knew that there was a cornice on top of the line, but was unsure how big it was, and if there was an easy way in around it, so we thought it would be better to just boot up the thing. Since we really didn't want to walk 3 miles in on the grizzly gulch road, we decided to try and get my stock jeep grand cherokee up the road as far as we could go. It was an interesting drive to say the least. The very beginning of the road was a sheet of ice angled downhill towards the creek, but after that, it was mostly clear, so we decided to drive down a very steep incline to get onto to the road past the ice, it was quite the project getting back up at the end of the day, but we made it. The creek crossings were no problem. There was another bad ice section that we got past by shoveling dirt onto the ice to give us traction, but other than that, the road was in pretty good shape. We made it up to the tuning forks, and after that, we were stopped by trees going across the road. We walked from there. the line: Up! The snow was not very good, and the line was runneled to hell, but it was still a really fun, and steep ski me: Josh: me: and FINALLY: Gray's Peak (Lost Rat Couloir) Crew: Me, Josh When: 6/4/10 Lost rat is a line that me, josh, and another friend set out to ski last year, but we got lost in the fog. We decided it was time to go back and tackle this one once and for all. We were also thinking about doing dead dog, but dead dog was crowded, and we were pretty tired, and this gave us an excuse to not summit either gray's or torrey's We started at the stevens gulch trailhead, and hiked the standard route for gray's most of the way. The top was melted out, so we had to downclimb about 100 feet to get into the couloir: Looking Down: Me: Josh: Me, skiing out the apron: The Line: We were able to ski almost all the way back to the car by following a lone strip of snow running along the creek It has certainly been a fun month, and a fun ski season in general. I leave for the for Pennsylvania on tuesday to go be a sailing instructor for the summer. I may get another day in this weekend, but I am pretty much done for the year. Maybe I'll catch some of you all next ski season. Sorry this was so long, but I didn't think each TR was worthy of its own thread, but all together, maybe it is. You tell me. Jordan
  9. don't you live in colorado? there is still plenty of snow, anywhere you want. Big lines will be in play soon even...
  10. I skied 19" at vail yesterday. it was fun
  11. ehh, its better than keystone, and you have most of your days there...so..
  12. If someone is good enough to be an instructor, they should not have to fear injury from skiing PA black diamonds IMHO.
  13. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH Complaining about lockers....really? Find a place to stash your stuff. I promise, no one wants to steal your dirty ski clothes. Find something useful to complain about.
  14. Utah has snowbird, and snowbird is one of my all time favorite ski areas (3 way tie with jackson and telluride). If you do go to Utah, don't waste your time at park city, just go to the LCC and BCC areas, you won't regret it. as far as snow goes, utah has the best shot of an epic dump as johnny law said, but that late in the season, the snow will turn to slop pretty fast. Colorado will probably have the best consistent conditions depending on where you go due to higher elevation = colder snow. I've never been to cali or washington, but I would say they would have similar problems with slop as Utah in late march and early April. Maybe consider Wyoming or Montana as well?
  15. JF has never been open that long in my memory. There may have been ond year when I was a little kid that it stayed till the first week in april, but never the 2nd. The last two years before PEAK took over, JF did stay open till the last weekend in march and had a customer appreciation day with free lift tickets on that day.
  16. hey Jeff, wanna let me crash on your floor this weekend ill chip in for the room. i really wanna get to aspen, but no one else wants to go and I don't want to pay for a hotel room by myself
  17. 151 ytd with a 78" base LAWLZ...
  18. be careful of slides on the elevator seriously...
  19. Robert2, this is supposed to be a family site
  20. aww just huck it!
  21. I actually skied jack frost today. It was really cold, but manageable. There is a sweet roller to air off of on the elevator that i was pretty stoked about. The risk it cliff was really nice, but the landing was a solid sheet of ice, and i almost hit a tree, twice all in all, twas a fun day
  22. epicski....lawlz
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