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Everything posted by jordan

  1. do you really think BB will open in november? Judging by the fact that it hasnt happened in like 10 years, i'd go with no.. Jordan
  2. i dunno, looks kinda fake to me... i think it was photoshopped...
  3. Thats the spirit
  4. thats what you get in woodbury, if you feel like driving up to CT for it
  5. youre right Thats not my choice though, if i had a ride down there every sat and sun, i would be there every sat and sun. Luck for me, i have a ride down both days this weekend... Hopefully the 1 hr long lines have discipated by now... (at least at loveland, which is where i'll be on sunday hopefully) http://www.woodburyskiarea.com/winter/webcam.htm yeah if this counts as open... one trail on what looks like 25' ish verticle....
  6. YOURE NOT A TRUE SKIER THEN maybe you should change your name to MCSKIALITTLE!
  7. Just thought I'd let you know, the first ski area on the EC will open this weekend... FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tammy Brown November 2, 2006 Phone: 828.926.0285, ext. 302 CATALOOCHEE SKI AREA TO OPEN THIS WEEKEND FIRST IN THE EASTERN REGION Maggie Valley, NC
  8. Personally I think those stats are botched. The truth is that if a male fucks up, it is generally reported to insurance, but if a female fucks up, they are generally not... Plus, i really believe that females cause far more fender bender accidents, like backing into another car, while males, who tend to drive faster (this is no lie) get into more serious accidents if they get in one, but dont get in as many as females... Thats where the reporting figure comes in, its kinda hard not to report a serious accident... Hopefully.... NJ definately is moving in the right direction by raising the age to buy tobacco.. I think they should raise it to 30, by then, people are generally capable of making rational decisions Jordan
  9. i actually did research on this.. Your junior license is good in any state reguardless of the age that you can obtain a license in that state, unless they have specific laws that state that no one under a certain age can drive in the state (or city). Most states accept all types of out of state licenses because the laws are reciprocal, meaning they would expect other states to accept their licenses... The only place in our vicinity as far as I could find that had a manditory driving age was NYC. Another interesting tid-bit.. PA has a law on the books that says that out of state learning permit holders cannot drive in PA. However, no other state in our vicinity has a law like this, so our surrounding states will accept PA learner's permits... Kind of as crazy as PA's fireworks laws.... Everyone can buy fireworks except PA residents EVEN IF they are totally illegal in their home state... Jordan
  10. my mom let me drive to vermont with a couple friends the first year i got my license... Contrary to popular belief, there is ABSOLUTELY NO LAW on the books that says you cannot drive out of state with a PA junior license. You just must abide by the driving restictions imposed by PA when doing so, IE no driving past 11 at night. You must also abide by local laws, IE. You cannot drive in any of the 5 boroughs of NYC until you are 18 years old... Jordan
  11. Keystone and Copper both open friday morning http://www.keystone.snow.com http://www.coppercolorado.com/index.htm This brings the grand total to 5 (in order of opening) Arapahoe Basin Loveland Wolf Creek Keystone Copper (keystone and copper both open the same day) Jordan
  12. Oh i love jeeps I have a 99 Grand Cherokee myself. I just hate the wagoneer.... Jordan
  13. and last to close? hopefully? I would hope that the success of the may rail jam last year would make them realize how huge the interest there is for late season skiing is... They seem to close when everyone else does because business is low (no because of snow issues) while everyone else closes due to lack of snow. I think if they stayed open another week after everyone else closed, they would see an enormous amount of skier visits from people whose home mountains are elsewhere.. throw in a "show us your season pass from another ski area, and get a discount" offer, and youre golden..... Jordan
  14. why? he really hasn't disclosed anything here that you couldnt find yourself with little research. Nothing he has thrown out there is "classified information".... Im sure if JFBB asked him to keep anything a secret, he wouldnt post it here. Why in hell would he not be allowed to talk about his job and his training? It's not like he works for the CIA or anything Jordan
  15. yeah i always thought the sign just said "inverted areals not reccomended" They arent allowed in comps though, i beleive, and will get you DQ'ed Jordan
  16. there would be absolutely no point in investing in all this new snow making if they didnt. As it was last year, they could have kept a couple things open till mid april
  17. I Love JF BB gets too much credit around here. JF is clearly the best ski area in PA, (one of those treasures not many people even know much about) even if its just because of their amazing free domain policy. on second thought, stay at BB, jack frost sucks Jordan
  18. wagoneers may be the only car that rivals the PT cruiser for ugliest car ever made just my $.02 My offer is $100.01
  19. yeah... probably not as bad this year though because the tram is gone... Jordan
  20. ouch
  21. bring an extra $50-$75 or so to eat at the mangy moose if you go to Jackson. You wont regret it its really good Jordan
  22. Id love to get back out to telluride at some point this winter
  23. thats what ski patrol is there for, and should be there for, to make sure people stay safe A lot of PA ski resorts seem to forget that, and all of their patrollers are on power trips *Cough CAMEL cough BACK cough** I still remember the day that i got yelled at there for hitting a natural feature (a little jump) on the side of one of the trails there JF ski patrol rock they keep the assholes in check, while maintaining leniency for people who know what they are doing. One thing i want to ask you though, is it technically legal to ski that narrow run in between challenge and east mountain at JF? That has always been my favorite thing to do on a midweek powder day, but i was never sure if it was technically allowed. I do know that ski patrol have seen me before and never said anything. I know there is a line at the very top, but no closed sign. (kinda like the risk it cliff....) Jordan
  24. How can they really widen river shot? Elevator is on the right, and the chair lift is on the left... unless they plan on taking out the trees between rivershot and the chair lift... Is that the deal? That is amazing news I was afraid PEAK would take away free domain UH OH, that is not good news.... They should really learn from what happened last time, they basically made an ice chute, and the groomer couldnt get up it again after the first time. They should really just let elevator be, and open it up if and when there is enough snow. ... Unless they plan on blowing snow on it and just leaving the piles.. IE not grooming it.. then i'd be all for it also, whyd they take the sign down and take it off the trail map if they are gonna re open it again this season? good news, JFBB has been mogul-less for years now. I hope they let huge ones form on draufganger at boulder and t-bolt and floyds at JF Thanks for the update Jordan
  25. A Basin and loveland are the only two that really truly rely on weather for opening, because they open as soon as they can physically blow enough snow. However, they dont open till mid-late October. This year was the earliest colorado opening on record, and it was october 13th. No way in hell they could pull it off by the end of september The rest, probably could open earlier than they do, but generally have set opening dates. However, on really good snow years (like this one so far) they may push opening dates up (like keystone did, they origionally were shooting for NOV 10, but are going to open a week from today NOV 3rd)
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