there were a LOT of injuries, because 2 years ago, they decided they couldnt leave well enough alone. Elevator was not a trail at JF from the start. People started just skiing when there was enough snow, and and eventually they put up a sign. after that, they would open it when there was enough natural snow, and they wouldnt dare touch it with a groomer or a snow gun. Two years ago, some moron decided to blow snow on it and groom a ~5 foot wide shoot down the center of it. It turned into a sheet of ice after the first day, and 90% of the people who went down it fell. they groomed it a total of one time that year because they couldnt get the cat up it after the 1st time.
Its a great trail, and probably the only trail in PA where you need to do hop turns to get down, but its too steep to maintain it east coast style.
there wasnt enough snow to ski the whole thing last year, but ski patrol didnt mind people skiing the left edge, where there was some snow that blew over from rivershot. JF is free domain after all...thats my favorite thing about that mountain. I fucking hope peak doesent take that away.