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Everything posted by CBfromDE

  1. http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/spo/392851348.html Not my style, but thought this was interesting. And you might be bailing out a PASR'er.
  2. Still for sale. Mark, since you were going to buy some of the gear, and we just couldn't work out a time, I'll give you first crack at 'em. Rob, if you're still interested, let me know, too. fireboxer09, sorry, not interested in a guitar. That's one of the few instruments I never could handle.
  3. Bumped again, still for sale.
  4. Sorry for the slow reply. Clearly, I can wait. PM me and we can figure out the when and the where.
  5. Either board - $100 Boots - $50 Bindings - $50
  6. Time to bump this one. Still for sale. Rob, still interested? Anyone else?
  7. It's sold. Actually, more like given away. Sorry to anoyone who may have had a longing for 998 cc's and 45 blazing horses of raw Geo power.
  8. The six pack is great. I was at the bar talking to some other skiers yesterday, they were timing it, 4 minutes to get on and up the hill. Three lanes onto a six seater can cause someanxiety when its running at capacity, I'm sure. Its more like a super spacious triple that can seat six in a pinch. Remains to be seen how effective it is when full. According to the bartender, they will likely only run the sixpack or the quad to keep the top from turning into a big cluster-f!ck. Likely only on holiday weekends, when it'll be like that no matter what. But for midweek, early season skiing, it was great.
  9. Yesterday was great skiing. I expected more mushiness. Very good for my first day out this year. New 6-pack rocks, new boots were great, too.
  10. I'm heading up there for the afternoon. Just need to get some housework done, throw the gear in the car, and head up. I would have tried to go earlier today, but for the first time out this season, I doubt I can handle more than four hours. Hmm... do I have time to load the cooler? Eh...
  11. I'll split 'em up, no problem. K2 Skinny - $100 No Limits - $100 Boots+Bindings - $100 The boots and bindings don't have to stay together, either. Let me know what you want, make an offer, I'll entertain offers. If you want either board for $100, let me know which, and we'll go from there.
  12. I'd like $300 for the boots, bindings, both boards.
  13. They're 27.5 (mondo/euro/whatever that is) or about a US Men's 9.5
  14. The flame job was a joke. Actually, the whole car is a joke. Has plenty of stickers, too. Bear Creek, Blue Mountain, Rossignol, LiveWrong, some others. Nice to have a car you don't care about. New dent? Eh. But it exists, and runs, drove to work and back today. And yes, I really do want to sell it. Filled it two days ago, cost $13. I am making some room, eliminating the insurance on the extra car, my wife hates it, and won't let me put a child seat in it. The insurance is the main motivation to sell it right now. I don't want to renew it. If nobody buys it before the insurance is due, I'm likely to donate it to a charitable organization, or a high school shop class to practice on. Who knew it would be hard to get rid of a working car? If you need another laugh, though, look at my post about the hard boots and boards. Wait! If you buy the car, I'll throw in the boots, plates, and boards!
  15. Anyone want to buy a cheap car? Cheap in all respects. Cheap to run, cheap to insure, cheap to purchase. 1997 Geo Metro Red Hatchback 116,000 miles 5-speed 3 cylinder 1.0 liter Gets about 40 mpg CD player Old picture below. No longer has hubcaps, the flame job is long washed off, has more sticckers on it. Seat covers included. Asking price is $1000.
  16. Pictures of the items. K2, Burton Boots, O2 Plates Crazy Creek board Yeah, they're sideways, on a crappy phone camera. But that's what they are.
  17. For sale: k2 Skinny 167 Burton Freecarve hard boots, 27.5 (@9.5) Oxygen no limits hard bindings Crazy Creek 61 Off Limits 167 No idea on the actual ages of the equipment. The bindings are used. The boards and boots have never been used, but show some age from storage and moved around. This started as a project a couple of years ago, and never got finnished, and I'm sticking to skis. Great for nostalgia, wall decoration, 80's day on the slopes, or making a friend ride on a dare. Asking $100 for each board, $100 for the boots and plates. I'll entertain reasonable offers for any or all.
  18. Thanks! I was reading through a different board. Camelback's, I think. Definitely more interest here. I rarely make it to Camelback, so I appreciate the Blue and Bear topics.
  19. I remember skiing there 95/96, and a couple of years before that. The whole character of the mountain has changed. The capital improvements are amazing, but some good, some bad. There wasn't much snowmaking in 95/96, now most of the mountain is covered. The parks weren't there. The snack shack has always been there, at least in my memory, but I have never seen it open. I don't miss the old cafeteria. I do miss the old prices. Before renovations, the food was cheap. $2 was a lot better than $5 for a crappy cafeteria burger. I sorely miss the Out of Bounds Tap Room. The beer was cheap, and Franziskaner on tap! Mmmm... The only improvement I could ask for is a better picnic area. Or a few well-placed tables in the parking lot. Cheapskates and dirtbaggers like me would certainly appreciate more bring-your-own space. I won't hold my breath, though, no profit in it. Blue is definitely better for tailgaiting.
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