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Everything posted by tinymoose

  1. Geez... glad your injuries weren't worse @RidgeRacer
  2. I am short....
  3. Cheers!!
  4. Some of us are already here....
  5. I like turtles.
  6. It's on their site under ski conditions. They should have a gondola, since it's like Vermont and all...
  7. Dunno. Says they're opening with 7-8 trails, so I'd guess no? Sorry, meant no, as in no discount. So I would guess full price with that many trails. Do they normally discount first day?
  8. Whoa! Elk is planning to open next week, the 3rd or 4th.
  9. Facebook said they're shooting for Dec. 1 right now.
  10. So basically, the moral of the story is that cell companies suck.
  11. From what I've read, ATT is allowing you to upgrade and sign a new contract still without losing the grandfathered unlimited. Verizon, if you upgrade and renew, is forcing you off the grandfathered unlimited.
  12. I'm awesome at skating!! Lots of practice on the runouts at Blue and JF.
  13. Having grown up in Ohio, the Poconos look pretty good in comparison.
  14. Apparently they read paskiandride.
  15. The loading restrictions were "character."
  16. There's no way I would have tried Nastar at Blue with it being on Razor's Edge. At least not anytime soon. I'll ski Razor's Edge, but skiing it with gates... nah. Maybe at some point I would have gotten up the nerve to try it, but Timberline at Bear or Switch at Montage look to be more my speed. I don't want to have to deal with the gates, as well as a pretty steep (for me) pitch.
  17. Poor moose. save the moose!
  18. Sadly no fried food specials. Especially no fried buffalo cheesy sticks.
  19. Had a great time last night taking the new skis out for a spin! They did a really great job of gripping in all but the iciest of conditions. Here they are in all of their beauty... happy little clouds and all.
  20. Doesn't look like the football jersey thing includes Nastar, though? I'm all set to race for last place on my new Kenjas!
  21. The boots and helmet were much needed. The rest, probably not so much. Although, the rest were on sale for good prices. I think I'm cut off for a few seasons. The Kenjas came about from last week's demo day.
  22. Oh geez... Volkl Kenjas, bright pink Rossi bindings for the Kenjas, Fischer Jr. race boots, goggles, new helmet, plaid ski pants, base layers... It seems even worse now that it's typed out. I'd put the appropriate shameful emoticon here, but my phone sucks.
  23. Yes, but then I'd have to buy a jersey. Unless I can convince someone Ohio State is in the Superbowl!
  24. You know.. they did say that on the flyer, but I would say it was more a ton of intermediates and even a couple beginners. Maybe a few ladies in my group could have been considered advanced, but they put me in the "adventurous" group, and I wouldn't call myself more than an advanced intermediate at best, and some days not even that. One lady who attended the clinic had just skied for the first time within the last week or so. She should definitely check out a women's clinic in the future! Of the two I've attended (last year I attended Bear Creek's), both times they've done a great job of matching skiers of similar abilities, and everyone has always been very supportive and friendly. I think with "intermediate" they're mostly wanting you to have some experience skiing, and not be a never-ever first-timer.
  25. I had a great time at the clinic! Personally, I would have preferred to spend more time on East Mountain on the steeps because that's a weakness of mine. The steeper it is, the more old, bad habits creep back in. But our group also wanted to spend some time in the bumps and trees, so we only did a handful of runs over there. The gates were fun, but they didn't close ridge run, so random people kept flying into the race course. The instructors were trying to get people to stay off the course, but were only so successful at that. Overall, it was very well organized and well run. They had a group for everyone, from beginners up to our very large intermediate/adv intermediate group. I think 20-some people attended the clinic?
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