The ole boy who owns Elk is a real bugger with money and he thinks for a moment he'll lose a buck, he will shut the doors. But it's good to hear that Greg may think there is hope past Easter.
I was always under the impression Sno had a hard time making money because of the local population and it's lack of funds. They really used to try to draw in the local schools with good group rates and other small perks. But in all my years skiing or working there, I never recall a lift line longer than a few minutes. I was hoping for one more beverage at the bar before they shut the door. Will have to check bear out instead. Two stroke fumes and beer, life is goood!
Good deal! Glad you had a good time. Sorry again for missing ya. Tunk was a riot a few weeks ago and super sweet on certain weekend that they blow snow on it. I can see if they are blowing snow on Tunk from my house so first chair always leads me right there . Not sure about this weekend, should be up but not wure when. I dont beleive i ever said this before but i really need to take a long break from skiing and then partying up there. The apres ski carrying on makes it tough to ski the next day, lol.
I'm still sporting a good headache from last nights festivities in the village, but will be on snow by 10. Im usually dressed in all black, should have my Elk mt. Racing jacket on(small green logo, ain't easy to see). Yell coach if you see me, that gets my attention! Btw I still have a few cheap tix if you need em.
The only 'partner' in the losing bid that i know of is Dick Ford, one of the original principals of the Sno moutnain purchase from the County. He apparently never could find someone to buy him out when Dennis Carlson, the primary principal began running the place into the ground. I was pulling for Ford to get back into it as he really put a lot of hard work into the place early on.
I'd have to ask winter, he's been up here longer than i have and has his nose in more info. it seems to me that the owner gets his 100 days in and it's lights out regardless of conditions. When we bought in to a rental two years ago, it was early april and the slopes looked like mid february, all closed up and had been since 3rd week in march.
Winter, my daughter only skied three times this year and didn't use up, by a long shot, the coupon book I bought. Huge loss of money and elk allows for transfer as of 3/4/13, which is nice. Help a brother out!
Sorry for a duplicate post off the Elk forums, still sort of new here and just saw this page. I have a bunch of discounted lift passes for elk to get rid of. Perfectly legit, just check with guest services. Figure about $15 off any ticket price listed on their website, or if you want a bunch at one time, I'll take even more money off. Must pick up near reading pa or one evening at bear creek ski area. I'll also be at elk next saturday night through Sunday. As of today elk is easily 100% open and tunkhannock off the hook? First come first serve.
I have a bunch of discounted lift passes for elk to get rid of. Perfectly legit, just check with guest services. Figure a out $15 off any ticket price listed on their website, or if you want a bunch at one time, I'll take even more money off. Must pick up near reading pa or one evening at bear creek ski area. I'll also be at elk next saturday night through Sunday. As of today elk is easily 100% open and tunkhannock off the hook? First come first serve.
Uhm... aint happening. I dont think its even an option here, just asked a kitchen punk. I do miss Helen at trails end at bear creek, she used to make all sorts of odd concoctions for us when I worked there. The best used to be a big ole basket of hand cut fries with melted slices of cheddar and swiss, bacon chunks, chives, and dose of old bay and spiced up ketchup. We called that the heart stopper 2000.