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Ski2Live Live2Ski

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Everything posted by Ski2Live Live2Ski

  1. A phonecall to Blue revealed they will have the Valley and 19 trails open by Friday. Who's in?
  2. Same $25 deal available through Dec 15 on MMR's Big Friggin Deal site WMMR also offers $9.33 lift tickets for Friday January 3
  3. Found another nice deal. This weekend Plattekill is offering free lessons, and lift tickets are always free for 7 and under. Anyone have any experience with their school?
  4. Thanks all for the tips. Found a Shawnee coupon for families of 2 or more that is good for 50% off a beginner package with group lesson Sundays starting at 3. Might be a reasonable way to try it out a first time. Makes it $90 for two kids, which is the same price as Spring's Sunday package that starts at 4 - and it seems Shawnee is one that comes well recommended. Think the crowds will be too bad there on a Sunday late afternoon?
  5. I've got two kids and I am a single parent alternate weeks so DIY is not going to work. and I don't live close enough to skiing to get them out twice a week. But I learned to be a good enough skier to handle anything in Poconos or Catskills by starting around 9th grade about once a month, and it seems like kids pick it up faster than older people, no? 6 and a half is a different case from 3 and a half. But do folks think I should wait longer? The most I will be able to get them out is 2-3 times over winter break and then one or two times a month after that..
  6. Thanks - good point. I would most value advice based on experience. A friend having direct experience (as oceancity indicates) would also be relevant. Of course if one is aware of a particularly good deal I would like to he informed of that even if one did not have direct experience.
  7. Does that mean you think Alpine is a poor choice?
  8. Thanks, I will look into that as well - weekends or holidays are going to be easier to manage as I don't want to pull them out of school for a ski lesson
  9. Shawnee certainly have a fine reputation in this area. Also the kids have gone tubing there, so I can use that as an incentive - if you try skiing in the morning you can go tubing in the afternoon if you would rather do that. Do you have direct experience with their programs? I took my first lessons at Spring in the 70s. And they have some nice deals for sunday after 4 family packages. Anyone use their programs recently?
  10. Hoping to get a 6 year old started skiing this year. What places in eastern PA / NJ have the best programs and best deals for this?
  11. There are a few non Christians on the planet too. I'll be taking advantage of the $30 tix that Belleayre and Hunter are offering that day.
  12. Where do you see that info about $25 tix? And any shot of them being open the 31st? WHy close in the middle of a weekend?
  13. I went there on the WMMR day (in January) and skied East Mountain for 4 hours from 9-1 with no lift lines to speak of.
  14. Thanks Ridge Racer - that's eactly what I was looking for. It's hard for me to know how rare it is since they don't list anything on the reports. Hope we continue to get such reports here from time to time from tree skiers. So I'm guessing by Friday (when I am thinking of going for the $9.33 WMMR deal), there will not be a lot of glade action unless we get a dump.
  15. This place gets so crowded on weekends already, one shudders to think what it will be like if they make it more enticing with condos, etc. Not sure condos/hotel are that great a fit for a mountain this size anyway, I tend to have skied everything interesting a few times already in one day and look forward to skiing somewhere else the next day.
  16. Thanks for all the info RideRossi. Easier to get answers from you folks than from anyone at the mountain, that's for sure. Given the margin of error, I think a fair estimate is 600, as additional digits would imply a degree of accuracy which is not present.
  17. I imagine there is a certain margin of error when using GPS signals to compute these things I can't find where on skilifts.org they provide these stats. Can you provide a link? EDIT: I did find it on this page http://www.skilifts.org/old/install_na1984.htm There they list it as 580 feet EDIT 2: OK then it appears again on the survey did three years later as 610 feet http://www.skilifts.org/old/install_na1987.htm
  18. Thanks, how does your phone do that? Is there an Android app that can measure vertical?
  19. This link gives the headwall only 213 feet of vertical http://www.skiernet.com/angle-of-ski-trails.html But the stuff from the top of the lift down to the headwall is at least as steep as the top half of the mountain
  20. Really? I figured it had more than half the vertical of the mountain, with all the steepness happening there.
  21. Thanks for the welcome - I have been reading it for a while, but just joined. I know there are reports at times in other threads, I just thought it might be good to have a place to focus on this. It is unfortunate they do not really report on this on their web page.
  22. Doesn't seen to have really impacted the skiing, but it doesn't seem real popular either (despite their having dropped prices quite a bit and offering $4 coupons at local businesses). I expect they are losing a bunch of money on this project. Only way I can see it being a money maker is if the variety of summer options gets their planned hotel lots of business for things like corporate retreats (that may use ropes courses) in the off season. Though I imagine a lot fewer of such things occur in this economy.
  23. Anyone know what the vertical on the Phebe Snow lift is? Trying to put up my stats, and that's pretty much what I ski,
  24. I would be interested to see updates here as to what the conditions in the gladed areas at Jack Frost are like when people happen to visit there and ski them. On the rare occasions that these have been skiable in recent years, the gladed areas are the feature that attracts me to go to Jack Frost, as they have more of these than anywhere else in eastern PA. Otherwise I tend to hit the areas with more vertical.
  25. If Sno winds up getting prices similar to Camelback, that will keep me away, unless there is a serious upgrade like high speed lifts replacing Long Haul and Phoebe Snow. As is, the discounts entice me to do the extra drive from points south once or twice a year to ski the challenging stuff at the bottom.
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