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Ski2Live Live2Ski

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  1. Ski2Live Live2Ski's post in Weekend roll call thread... was marked as the answer   
    Not whining, I was there yesterday and never ski a PA hill 2 days in a row as it gets too reperitive.
    Just keeping score.
  2. Ski2Live Live2Ski's post in Mt Snow was marked as the answer   
    The nicely padded bubble lift at Snow was a big hit on a cold day, and Long John and other green runs were not crowded and lots of fun for the crew. But some of the blue runs were quite icy and a bit much for them. Last run one of my girls had had enough for the day and coaching and assisting her down that last long blue run was quite a trying experience. Just glad that I was able to resolve everything safely and comfortably and boost her spirits afterwards and she remains enthusiastic for more skiing in the future. But that was the roughest experience I have had skiing with my kids so far. So Bromley was definitely the greater success story of the weekend.
    Their first time going out two days in a row as well, which always has one's legs a bit less fresh on day 2.
    Back to their comfort zone in PA for a little while, but nice to have put that in perspective for them with a glimpse of VT skiing. Definitely gonna do quite a bit more PA woodshedding before taking them on any Western trips.
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