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Everything posted by thedude4bides

  1. Pretty awesome running into some local legends on Superstar Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I can see you motorboating that.
  3. Would you break your non-monogamous lifestyle to please anyone?
  4. That's why it surprised me you'd suggest such a thing... Unless it's because you want me to live happily never after.
  5. Do you want to get married to someone?
  6. I'm with you on security/privacy 100%. I don't have any pics out there that I wouldn't mind being plastered all over the place. In fact 95% of my wall is due to my gf tagging me or checking me in someplace. However, I have to believe that you wouldn't be happy if I started creep stalking your family and posting them in a sexual context. Anyway, nice hot tub pic. I'll know to look for the guy with chipmunk cheeks protruding out the sides of his helmet. Ha!
  7. Those pics of you frolicking in the vineyards in California were what did it..
  8. I get it. I'm totally with you on privacy. When Doug initially stalked her and requested her she probably went on his page and saw ski pics and thought "hmmm... Local skier, probably not a bad guy... add friend". A mistake I'd even make. No sense in beating her up because Doug's a creep.
  9. That's a stretch. And should I congratulate you on doing the right thing? Thanks.
  10. So you condone being a dirtbag to your friends? Good to know.
  11. brb... Gonna creep my FB friends for boob shots to share with you without their permission. I hope your sister is one of them...
  12. oh yeah? Well then you shouldn't have made yourself a liar.
  13. Oh, I wasn't even talking about that side of things but that's right. It's a thin line to balance and I'm catching shit on both sides of it. On that side for skiing with GP, on this side for being PSIA. Let me say this: I'm a skier before anything else and if PASR or PSIA went away I'd still be a skier no matter what. Either way, the gig is up and I'm honestly feeling like not being a part of either. Been toying with not renewing PSIA for 2 years now. If there's a way for a mod to nuke me off this forum and make as if I never posted on here I'd like that.
  14. This isn't that complicated really. Lets hypothetically say that the director of my ski school has in the past monitored discussions on here. Then lets hypothetically say they become aware one of their own is posting on here. Then, hypothetically, say there's a HUGE snowstorm and I instinctively go to the better mountain and skip work... And it becomes known on here because either I posted about it under the sweet sweet cover of anonymity or someone else posts about seeing me. Could be a precarious situation id rather avoid if one's name mysteriously became connected to one's account. As for being outed for being a ski instructor... I catch a lot of flak here that I can handle but could certainly do without. Either way, Steeze compramised both aspects for me...
  15. I doubt Mandie would let you stalk her profile if she saw your posts on here. #Level3creep
  16. See? These are the kind of posts I read where it would be nice if no one knew I was a ski instructor...
  17. No one is better than the snow bladder.
  18. They'd probably cross reference my email with PASR and find out because you posted it on here when I specifically asked you not to.
  19. Whats the fine print on this? Exclude instructors from other mountains? They must be hurting for instructors? I don't think the ski-off at Bear Creek had included a free ticket. Blue's definitely didn't.
  20. Is there really anything going on up north other than superstar at Killy?
  21. Seemingly anti-climactic close to an otherwise strong weekend. Great day overall. Glad I got to meet a few new peeps and ski razors bumps for what could be the last time. Managed to eek out 70 days in this mess of a season and, as usual, I feel like I'm finally in "ski shape" when the floor gets pulled out from under me and I'm forced to enjoy hikes, baseball, bbq's, and long walks in the beach.
  22. Razor bumps were epic. Wow.
  23. Right, because that's exactly what is lacking in your skiing, lol
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