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Everything posted by thedude4bides

  1. This brings up a great point: at what time in a stoner's life do they face the reality that they can no longer rely on their recollection abilities? Discuss.
  2. Cafeteria upstairs. Slopeside burgers are big and juicy. Also expensive compared to other places, but still big and juicy.
  3. 4 trips to VT (13 days total), 3 day trips to NY, 1 CB, 2 to Elk, 5 days in Breck, 33 days at Blue, and 53 at BC cost me about $4k. That includes food/gas/lodging/airfare/medical bills/and my 15-16 season pass at blue. I made $1.5k teaching so that eases the pain a bit. Plus another grand on gear...
  4. Having a seizure while standing on a couple of tongue depressors is what you call skiing? Shaking my mafuckin Herman.
  5. Thanks and that line is very thin between life and death. Have to respect it... Even at blue. Hope Stowe is nice. I went to sugarbush after Killy and it was pure icy death in most places until about noon because it was 26 degrees at 9am. It was literally a side slipping clinic because I was with my girl lol.
  6. Killy was sweet. Couldn't have asked for better conditions. Got 5" of fresh on thursday. Gave me hope that I might get into the trees this late in the year. I was running laps through power line on the north ridge triple from 9 to 10:30 and somehow found my way to Julio (a double black glade run for those who hate VT and wouldn't know). It looked too good to pass by so in I went... alone. Sure enough, it was the best snow on the mountain... Until I came across this: The perfect snow was almost scarce at this point and all sorts of rocks, stumps, and forest debris was scattered all over the place. In the midst of all that I see a yard sale but no body. I feared the worst. The jagged rocks in that area would shatter a pelvis. It was fairly steep there and I was imagining what happened to the poor guy who's skis were laying there. Brutal it must have been. I started calling out "hello? Anyone there? Are you hurt? Helloooooo?!" I couldn't easily get to the skis from where I was without royally fucking up my skis. Just as I was about to try and traverse to some more appealing snow I saw movement about 80 yards below. I shouted again "are you ok?". And there he was... A one armed man crawled out from under a pine tree. He said he was banged up but could walk so he thought he was fine but that he was stuck and lost and it was to steep to climb up to get his skis. I said no problemo, I'll send them down. As mentioned I didn't want to ski over to the skis because I didn't want to ruin my skis. I unclipped and my second step was a disaster. My boot slipped out from under me and I went down. I was scrambling and reaching in every direction for anything that would slow me down. Every branch slipped right through my fingers and there I was accelerating down this steep pitch headed straight for a tree stump. I frantically tried to kick at it to redirect myself away from it and take my chances dealing with whatever was below... Luckily it worked and nothing major was beyond. However, nothing major also meant a lot more slope to helplessly slide down with no means to slow down. Eventually I stopped not to far from the one-armed man. I said "fuck that was intense... " At that point both our skis were about 80 yards uphill. It was obvious what had to be done. So I dusted all the snow out of my jacket and started climbing. It was way harder than I thought. Every move was risky and demanding. All my muscles were firing. It was difficult getting grip with my toes as it was blue ice under the pow. My best bet was to use rocks that were protruding through the icy boilerplate. With about 10 yards to go I lost grip and involuntarily shouted "no no no no no!!!" As I began accelerating helpless down the pitch again. Take 2. Well, take 3 really. Here we go... I eventually made it. By then I was exhausted and drenched with sweat. I made it to the skis and sent them down. I took a round about path down to the one armed man. Probably the exact path a mountain goat would take in all honesty. We clipped in and I skied him out of there. I never bothered to mention it's not a good idea to ski the trees alone because well,... I was alone. /CSB
  7. Marker griffon bindings and the whole piece came off the ski. If I have time I'll post about how I saved a one-armed mans life on Julio at Killington later.
  8. Good luck with the new parts and great skiing with you brutha. I'm thinking all-of-the-above on the bindings. What happened to your head?
  9. It wasn't open to the public. Trail was marked closed. Steeze, you might like this. At CB MattEdge went ahead of me down Rocket which was bumped up with skier made bumps and in his secong turn he inexplicably supermannned down with slush flying everywhere and lost a ski. I skied up behind him to grab the ski for him and noticed his tailpiece sheered off the ski (these were the armadas from jlaw). This literally happened right at the top and there I was standing on a bump holding his tailpiece in the air cracking up hysterically as a crew of 5 bumpers waiting to get by were just staring at us. We motioned for them to go by and I still couldn't stop laughing. He was wasn't laughing by the way. He looked pissed and said he was just gonna walk down and get his Rossis but I offered to let him ski my kendos down while I would attempt something I've never done before: ski the bumps on one ski. Way harder than I thought. Especially on that pitch. I fell my first two turns actually. After that I switched tactics and was basically doing one footed hop-turns until the pitch flattened out. From there it was easy easy, but yeah, that dude grinds so hard he sheers off bindings.
  10. Hit up Hunter Saturday and CB Sunday. Great spring bumps and Hunter even had a GS course set up to play around in. Hitting Killy Wed-Fri and then Sugarbush Sat/Sun. Probably gonna close the season the following weekend at Killy. Tough for me to let go.... I'm hangin on as long as I can!!!
  11. Warren Millet Entertainment just released some old school movies. Previously the oldest I could find was 1978 on DVD. Now they have as far back as '72 in digital format. http://www.skinet.com/warrenmiller/download-warren-miller-films-itunes
  12. 2/10... step up yer game, son.
  13. He's somewhat legendary in certain BC Nastar circles from what I knew but didn't ever meet him. Too funny. Wasn't sure it was the same guy but has to be. Saw that video at work today and it got me stoked about bumps on bluebird day with good February snow.
  14. That's some creepy shit, duder. You stalking him? Wow, just wow.
  15. So wait... Do you like know him or you just saw him spank Jeff once?
  16. Stumbled across this in my youtube travels and wanted to see if the authors of this fine production are on here. These guys cracked me up.
  17. Might go back for round 2...
  18. Stop quoting him... I have to see his posts that way!!!!!
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