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Everything posted by thedude4bides

  1. Here is the remaining slalom schedule at BC: Sunday February 8 Wed February 11 Wed February 25 Sunday March 1
  2. ^I zoomed in... are you giving us the bird?
  3. What skis are you guys on out there?
  4. Fucking awesome!!!
  5. Nah man, you got that no problem. How about those Hoebacks, doe?
  6. That was a fun spine to play on and dip over into DW. MattEdge dubbed it Patagonia.
  7. You might have a better time in the GS course they are setting up tonight. Slalom might be interesting even if you had a fresh tune but mad respect if you do it!
  8. The nice thing about BC is that no matter where you are on the mountain, you are never far from the bottom;)
  9. Wednesday night BC will have a duel slalom set up. One with stubbies and one with full length gates. Should be good for those who haven't run gates yet this year or those who just want extra practice.
  10. Yes it was. Even with the sixer down we never had to wait in any lines. You the guy in the jfbb jacket?
  11. yeah, I'd kinda rather be in the glades in a snow storm anyway. Btw- you are not looking well... perhaps you should take the rest of the day off;)
  12. Not sure what wax to go with... maybe some LF7 with a topcoat of something.
  13. Slalom in a snowstorm? Could be interesting!
  14. I enjoy night skiing as well... no need to burn a vacation day!
  15. That's ridiculous. You should be able to pick up a card off the ground and load it up.
  16. You can switch them.
  17. I'm stoked for you guys.
  18. Almost forgot... need to give Johnny Law a shout and thank him for the idea to switch my skis around. I was on the élan amphibios which are a rockered outside edge and cambered inside edge so basically there is a right and a left ski. I'd never thought to switch them before. It was spectacular! Having the cambered edge on my inside ski provided what i'd describe as enhanced feel for turn initiation and the edge would bite right away inspiring confidence. There was no drawback to having the rockered edge on the outside ski because you pressure the outside ski more anyway and that pressure helps get all the edge on the snow. Felt like a new pair of skis and I was loving it for the last few runs of the night. It did make the turn radius feel about a meter larger too. Not sure if that was just in my head or not. I also found out quickly that it's best to return the skis to the proper foot in the bumps lol.
  19. I should be up around 6ish. MattEdge will prob be there as well.
  20. Do you even race, brah?
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