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Everything posted by thedude4bides

  1. http://www.thesnowpros.org/NewsInformation/Newsamp;Announcements/tabid/117/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/457/The-Numbers-Are-in-Kottke-Report-Points-to-a-Tale-of-Two-Seasons.aspx Wonder how they can claim snowboarding is down... I've never been asked whether I'm a skier/snowboarder when I get my tix. Seriously, how can they make this claim?
  2. Interesting... How do I find out when the races are? I've only ever seen racing for BMR and they have the trails closed to public. I know there is a Mon night thing but I work Monday nights...
  3. What happened to Nastar at Blue?
  4. So are you the dude I'd need to bribe in order to let Grizzly bump up?
  5. I called out of work:). Riders of the storm:lol:
  6. It's a hard life...
  7. I'd guess somewhere north of 75. They lost their life after the first season I had them. Then they became my bump skis. I actually just sold them today for $125. I have the 12/13 model as my daily now (soon to be my bump skis as I'll be taking the shrink wrap off the 13/14 this week).
  8. Short answer is yes. Careful with Blue's tune shop, I have had two grinds there. One after the 11/12 season and one after the 12/13 season. This season I hit a rock at Killington in november and it went completely through the ptex, which was very thin. Way too thin for only two grinds. Upon further inspection the metal edge itself was a lot thinner under foot (where the rock damage was) then it was at the tip and tail. I don't know if it was a fluke or what happened at Blue...but the tune shop at Bear Creek who patched my base (and did a damn good job btw) had to hand tune the structure in the affected area because the ptex in the base is too thin. The life of Ski I bought brand new in 2012 is down to nothing... this is it. One more base grind and they are done. Now I have bought base flattening tools and structure tools and will be doing this type of work myself. Best to find a good hand tuner...
  9. Agree with others that universal will be as good as it gets for days with changing conditions like that. Also agree that you should re-structure your bases if you haven't done so in a while. I find this stuff is good in a pinch as a rub on: http://www.swixsport.com/eway/imgstore/32fc3213ae.jpg I have also played with the liquid teflon. I wouldn't recommend it as it doesn't last long and you become a crack fiend with it trying to get a fix every two or three runs... but yeah, with liquid teflon freshly on it's hard to even stand in place it's so slick.
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