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Everything posted by thedude4bides

  1. It seems your ability to structure a sentence is a strong as your tech skills. I like that about you. In4updates.
  2. Screw you and your stupid thumbnail attachments. Should be a bannable offense. I quit.
  3. Thought I saw your twin up there at one point. There are a few weak spots for sure. I'll never understand how blue blows a deeper base in glade trails than BC does on main trails. BC could really step up the game. To be fair, blue is beyond aggressive with the snowmaking. I mean blue probably has more man made on one trail than BC has on the whole mountain.
  4. Definitely not done trolling your ass. Man that sounds bad.
  5. ^PASRception
  6. maybe break even is 8 days for the guy that only goes Saturday's or something... I used to get 20 visits for $400. I'd do two six packs for $100 a piece and 8 Sunday nights for $25 (it's probably more now). When I had to do decide if it was worth it Break even was something like 22 days.
  7. Oh wow... The thing is I get that people break balls, that's not what this is about. It's about not wanting to stab a pencil through my eye or smash my dick in a car door because this winter is so weird and when I go to a place where I think I can talk about it I end up punching myself in the balls. Btw... Pretty shiny tonight
  8. You don't need to explain to me how this circle jerk here works... and on top of what I already had to say about it old joke is old. Anyway, it's been fun here. Real fun. What Justo said is pretty accurate. I hope to see you on the hill. Dude out.
  9. I give up. You win, Doug. Hope everyone thinks you are cool when you talk about him. As a gentleman, I'll let you have the last word.
  10. Matt Edge is my friend and since he isn't around here to hear you throwing his name around and making threads about him... No, I don't find it funny. Yes, very lucky to be dating someone who supports my addiction to skiing and goals I set for myself.
  11. Doug has no gf. Loves Matt Edge showing him how to grind in the parking lot... I think I'm starting to get the picture here. How does Summer's off and only working 180 days help in the ski season? And ,yes, teachers work more overtime than any other professional even in this circumstances.
  12. Anyone with a gf has to spend time with them. Not sure where you are getting this second job business from... How about you just not mention him grinding from now on because you seem really fascinated with that. Too fascinated.
  13. Maybe a tiny bit of over-reach with this one? Not sure... Very judicious.
  14. Im not sure why you'd assume he can ski everyday. Guy lives over an hour away and works a job that does more overtime than any other professionals. You on the other hand are a slacker and also being very judicious with the word skiing.
  15. I actually did a bump "race" at belleayre a few years back in the spring. They had gates and everything set to GS spec. Forces you to take an interesting line. Just a guess but I don't think blue will be setting gates in the bumps.
  16. Hell yeah he's jealous. He'd ski everyday if he could.
  17. LOL at all the butthurt people that missed the 5" of untouched on WM last Tues night.
  18. They seeded up there sometime last week. Think I saw it Friday.
  19. Will you be able to wake up early after a Doug-gone-wild karaoke night?
  20. Rode 10-1. The 6er drew some decent lines but never had to wait more than 6-8 chairs for the quad. Good grippy firm pack. Thought about going back during the snow to ski WM but didn't think my 83 width skis could handle. Solid sesh that I didn't even plan on... Honestly just went up there to get a tune on my slalom skis thinking maybe I'd do a run and get out quick if it was crowded.
  21. I have never seen golf balls at BC like Saturday. It was very blue-like tbh. They even closed extreme due to the horrific death cookies. Sunday was much better and even felt warmer. And, yeah, dude, always dry your gear after a sesh. Even if you're not skiing in the next few days, it'll reek if you don't. Cant recall what trails but I fee like Hunter is like this in a lot of places.
  22. Yeah dude great morning/early afternoon sesh. Loved that they blew snow in both the nightmare and main st bumps. That's hilarious you circled the death cookies on razors haha.
  23. I planned on hitting razors when I got tired of bumps, but by the time I was they closed razors and fired up the guns. Closed the night skiing the glades by lazy... Not bad. Didn't see any sparks flying off my skis so that's a good sign.
  24. I wouldn't trust any level 3's.
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