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Everything posted by larrytbull

  1. i will be there for first chair. son has to be at mountain prior to 8am
  2. Was at frost as well today with my son. There was a bonus of having smokin snowboards there for a demo day. Took thier asym board for a ride on challange. Went for a quick spin at boulder liberty park. Bit icy over there but way more features than one park. One park was a shit show with too many people, who didnt have the skill to ride a park
  3. think JF is charging weekend rates today... im up in tobyhanna, so may go there today or tomorrow. they say 6 trails basically 2 greens and ski school slope, easy rider, and one park, may wait till tomorrow as they should be able to open significantly more
  4. bought a quad pack of tickets for sugarbush, but did not make it up there looking to sell them paid 229 looking to get same im me if interested
  5. flurries right now at jf and bb
  6. was planning to go for another round today, but raining
  7. GSS http://apexskiboots.com/ these are the boots i was telling you about
  8. Im up by park in blue. On snowboard introduce yoirself if you see me
  9. Entering the parking lot right now woohoo
  10. , I'm on my way up now
  11. yeah the boards don't even hve bindings mounted on them... pure marketing
  12. If you want to single plank it i can bring an extra board
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQjidiRpVeY
  14. Lower Lot? or upper? guessing that will have to be summit, as they seem to be blowing vista
  15. I will make an appearance, Where do i find you guys. Have to get kids to school then 1.5 from there so 10 ish I
  16. yep just got email, I know where I will be on Monday. any one else?
  17. no worries, I am in same boat, I have a new Never Summer ripsaw, waiting to roar, but won't bring it out on the slush. May bring it to MT snow on the 28th though if they blow enough otherwise i will be riding my rock board
  18. IF you go to CB, I wouldn't use the new board, Better off using the older board, as there are bound to be rocks mixed into the snow. Last year begining of the season i went to cb. the snow was dotted by stones. looked like raisins in frosting. tore the shit out of the bottom of my board.
  19. so can we expect a monday opening like camelback? would rather go to JF than CB
  20. so time to start a roll count on sunday as to who is going for first chair on monday
  21. i am in, have the next 2 weeks off
  22. i just got an email from freestyle/racing team they are hoping for 12-26, but looking at weather, not seeing that happen
  23. Thanks for the update Ride, probably gonna cancel trip to Bush, and just do the MT Snow for 2 days, and head back. Any one want to buy a quad pack from me for the Bush? As it seems i will not have a use for them now
  24. what's the long term for bush? I am planning on being there for the 30th. Will they have any beginner terrain open by then? as my daughter need beginner to intermediate
  25. great to see you open again, but sad to hear only single trail. was way to crowded last time we were there
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