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Everything posted by Sara43

  1. Looks like they've been busting their asses.. Regardless. Camelback and Blue have been great. I don't understand the holdup though. I have friends who bought snow tubing tickets to a "Snowtubing with Santa" right before christmas, I was up the other day to get my pass photo taken and it looks like they haven't touched tubing. I saw the "Upcoming events" and it looks like they've changed it to "Breakfast with santa" I wonder how many people bought tickets and how much money they'll be loosing by their mistake of not blowing that first chance they had.. Like I'm sure they're going 100% now, But every bit would have counted. Definitely going with Camelback next year, I don't care how much farther the drive, I'm not sticking around to watch this resort emplode from the horrid infrastructure. Some resorts like Boulder can open in like 3 days, Camelback has like what? 20 trails open??? Montage takes a month and they'll be lucky to get 4-5 trails open tops?!?! I don't care what you guys say, the choices being made aren't in the best interests for the skiers and snowboarders, they're for the people who want to get drunk. Granted, if that's all they want to do, they might as well turn the resort into a wedding venue and plant some pretty grass over those trails. Fill in that damn waterpark while they're at it. That big yellow and blue thing is freaking ugly!
  2. Wow..
  3. Who the hell are you.. You think you know more than the people I know? You're probably just some dip shit who doesn't know what's going on.
  4. I just wish I had friends/sources from the snow makers, I'd probably have more accurate information if I could get it first hand. The rumors I hear are from other departments and friends of friends of disgruntled former employees. Perhaps I should sneak in next time they make snow and bribe an employee to spill all the beans on recent events. Welp, I'm done for the day, This god damn website is a great way to waste time. I'll be back to bitch and moan next time they don't make snow or something. Or if have PMS and you cock suckers turn this thread into something way off topic. How do you know I'm not actually trying to publicly shame the resort instead of playing along with this dialogue If they look at past history, we always seem to get a warm snap in December.
  5. Since Sno-Tage. I love that by the way.. I was just thinking, perhaps they have poor intentions for their customers, but maybe they're sprucing the place up to be able to sell to a major resort corporation, it doesn't seem likely they'd fix the lodge up for anything other than a better resort in the future.
  6. I suppose you're right about the chances of the humidity going down to 20%
  7. That sounds pretty appealing.. we'll see. This topic is the largest/longest since Oct 2011.. I sure am making a spectacle of things.
  8. In fact I do, would you like me to tell Steve Carell you said hi? I'm not giving any details about my identity, why do you think my photo is of the back of my head? I don't want any retaliation or to somehow link myself to past employees where I got my dirty secrets from.
  9. You guys keep getting off track like a kid with ADHD.. So I'm guessing you didn't know that snowmaking is actually possible to blow marginal at 37.4 degrees if the relative humidity is less than 20% and Ideal heavy snowmaking can be made at 28.4 degrees with ideal humidity. Even at 32 degrees it's possible to make snow if the humidity drops below 60% I assume they'd have weather stations throughout the resort. If they really wanted to make as much snow as possible and open ASAP, they could put the snow makers on standby if somebody at the mountain, perhaps an office employee could take on site weather station humidity readings if the forecast shows that the humidity is substantially close to these numbers. To play my own devils advocate.. Granted the margin of error, timing of the low temp forecast (3-6am) and altitude difference between what's likely a forecast for Moosic; it may be possible to blow snow on the upper half of the mountain because the lodge, I'd assume is approximately 500+ ft above the local forecasted temps. All they need is a margin of error of 2 degrees from elevation and/or relative humidity margin of error of 10% to beat what is forecasted and make snow. Granted, they may also be going off last years income stats and the cost benefit by opening before the middle of the month would cost in total more to make snow than the income due to the fact that they'd have, most likely season pass holders ski instead of daily customers, which sucks and is, in my opinion a little unethical, but income is income to a business being held by a thread. I can also understand the cost of running their system and paying wages stays the same while the efficiency of snow being put on the ground could be a lot less than what it would be from the upper limit to the 'Ideal' wet bulb temperatures.. Okay I'm bored at work and I cheated by using this chart along with the simple knowledge that it's colder in higher elevation.. but still. It's time to stop being frugal and make some damn snow. I wanna ski! Perhaps I should apply for the snowmaking supervisor position they apparently lost. (I saw it when they had their available jobs post)
  10. $10 Tuesdays loaded the parking lots like a weekend.. It was great for the kids. Tonight looks like it might be cold enough, hopefully they'll make some!
  11. Till the 11th? :'( So it seems like Charlie bet his cards the weather would be like last years "Polar vortex" ??? And lost. I feel like the new ownership is treating their new baby like they're secretly trying to flip a property and have no idea how to run a ski resort. Sure the lodge and bar look great now, the website and PR looks professional, but from what I heard, the infrastructure is.. "Falling to pieces" didn't even begin to describe what I heard and was pointed out to me last year.. It's like on tv, they're putting a new roof on it, new carpet and paint, Beautiful new kitchen, but the plumbing and electric haven't been touched or only desperately patched up. After watching the episode, you say to yourself, wait.. is that house going to last more than a year before everything falls apart? Besides for the LED lights which, are somewhat on the cosmetic side of things if you think about it (Even though they're awesome) Any prospective "Resort buyer" would see the lodge, the bar, the lights, and be super interested, when what they don't know, is behind those freshly painted walls and beautiful new roof, the electrical and plumbing are completely shot. If they can't be open for the holidays, Imagine the enormous loss they'll take. They're saying on their Facebook page that this will be their "best season yet" but they blatantly decided not to make snow when they had an awesome chance? a super cold gift from the Gods? (My reason for creating this entire thread) They even have a super bland video of them starting to make snow on their Facebook page. Smells like desperation to me. When I drove past today it looked like they only actually made snow on two upper trails, I couldn't really tell what north face looked like. Since Accuweather has the longest forecast I can find, I see the 4th, the 9th, 10th, 12th, 13th, and 15th to be possible right now if things go right? and those are what they call "Marginal" from the little research I did today, I found this company called 'Snow at home' (Pretty cool stuff.) So Maybe, they'll be good by the middle of the month if the snow they made this weekend when it was super cold doesn't melt.. For some reason, I just feel like the resort has attracted bad Juju, Cursed, First the county lost it, then Sno was a group of guys that had no idea what they were doing, then went super corrupt and lost it. Now we have what we have... I'll guess we'll have to wait and see. I just don't get the $10m lodge upgrade then being frugal on making snow and maintaining the infrastructure? Guess what Charlie, you can't pay that lodge off if you can't open the resort!
  12. I see Montage made some snow the other night, how are the other mountains holding up? I see they still don't have a projected opening date I don't really see any more days with really cold temps at night, does anyone have any idea when they think it would be possible for them to make more snow?
  13. Sno aint' the only thing coming out of my fingers..
  14. First of all, I'm going to say again, unless you've been to Montage in the past few years and you have no intention of going this year, go fuck off, I don't want anyones rumors from 10-20 years ago. Even Sno shouldn't be brought up unless it comes out of my mouth (fingers?) Even though they were aggressive and wen't all balls to the walls, they seriously needed deeper pockets to make the resort they wanted. Anyone remember the stupid wrist bands the first year? lifties trying to scan the bands, I heard as long as you had the right color, all you had to do is put it in the microwave for about 3 seconds and the staff would pass to the lift out of laziness if they didn't read. I know one of the owners of Sno pushed it out of personal gain, His pockets grew through the hardware required for the system. They tried making a walk through verification system in place of wands attached to what were palm pilots; out of painted PVC pipe; I know because I saw it all smashed up before they could even get it to work. I know the huge investment of money into the terrain park, the features were destroyed the spring after their big competition due to idiot groomers not giving a shit, you can still see thousands of dollars of rails and boxes littered behind the shops as you go up the north face lift. I can tell you the mountain refuses to replace the polycarbonate surfaces of the features of the terrain park rails and uses painted plywood and regular plexiglass That super pipe was incredible and from what I heard, Snowmakers moved heaven and earth to make enough snow for that in time for the whatever competition they had because of how much rain and warmups we had that year. I don't want to get any particular past or present managers in trouble. Actually they're all past as of now with one in particular who spilled some beans at the bar last year. Could they open in two weeks? I personally believe they could open 4-5 trails and 2-3 lifts within 4 days if they work hard enough and weather permits. I'm a little suspicious too as to why they blew snow only a few hours after I posted this, and stopped around 3-4pm? They had cold temps that night, why not keep going? Could this thread website have made the decision to put some white on the grass for publicity reasons? I do know they could open quite a few slopes quickly but to fill the lazy river will take weeks regardless of the weather. Their 'willingness' will be shown soon I suppose. I can see them fighting like Rocky, taking hits and hits from public opinion and pounding the shit out of the mountain and doing it cheaper and better than anyone around. I'm no expert, but like I've said before, I don't own a ski resort and from a business strategy, this may save $20-$50k If they get lucky. They better go balls to the walls once they begin.
  15. Boy did this get off topic or what? I'm starting to feel like I should retract my apology. I didn't realize how close other mountains were to opening. Blue opened and they're pretty far south right? I think we could possibly get real snow Wednesday but looks like they will have the weather to make snow Thursday and Friday. If they decide to ever open this year. They may need to bring back some lifeguards to watch the lazy river while they make us ski around it. Montage did watch this site like a hawk by the way in the past and you're assuming they don't have people on here? (lololol) It's amazing what secrets you get in the bar from drunk supervisors.
  16. It would be nice though if more montage CUSTOMERS held their complaints here though instead of people who never even go. May be less dramatic, but I have a feeling they're watching this website with a very, very close eye, and if real experiences are brought to attention, it may help them. I don't think it will get to more than .001% of their possible customers, Not saying that'll happen though, this is the internet!!!
  17. Yeah I suppose They may have been testing things out, I guess I should just suck it up and apologize for this post.. I am very passionate about skiing and this mountain means more to me than most of my family members. I see this brief upcoming warm snap and began to realize they were probably right and their actions are responsible.. There's a reason Charlie owns a ski resort and I just ski it.. In the long shot, spending money they don't have, that's sno's legacy, they would have followed suit with the rest and spent the money, instead he decided to do what's best for the company and he's not blowing cash all over the place (Pun intended) We have short term memories, we forget what cold feels like until November, we forget how hot summer is in June, 3.. 5.. 10 years from now, we won't remember this, hopefully we'll be thanking the lord the new owner created a successful business and changed things up. A lot can happen, all my complaints could be solved in time and hopefully they will. Hell, at this time of year, it seems like the weather man can't seem to get it right, what if we possibly have a warmer few days than anticipated and put other resorts back in the same place as us. That's a good chunk of change they can use later in the year, dusting icy slopes in march like last year. I hope this forum and this post may have alerted management of what was going on last year with the lift department. Perhaps they need more managers, maybe pay higher wages yet hold strict standards, and hell.. Drug tests? I apologize for the 180 here, but hell, Montages forum needed a little drama to spice things up..
  18. On the web cam, looks like they only started a little while ago, ohh well, my prayers are answered!
  19. I didn't feel like figuring out where to go, I did tell a guy on a snowmobile that seemed like a supervisor but that didn't stop him that night, I see him sitting at the top all the time, they probably put him there to keep him from harassing customers. We all know the lifts are the weakest point of the resort.
  20. Ohh and another thing, one of the Lift attendants last year, I almost reported him for his extremely inappropriate comments and advancements every time I got on the chair, I really hope he's not back this year. So creepy!! I can go for days!!!
  21. The owners are a joke, one of them got drunk and drove a snowmobile down one of the black diamond trails and almost died last year, totaled the snowmobile.
  22. Charlie is the alcoholic owner puling the strings of management from what I've heard. Yes I'm starting rumors but they're true and maybe if they know what I know, they'll fix it!!!!
  23. They expect to be open the first second week of December? That's like 3 weeks away.. If they have a warm snap they'll be kicking themselves in the ass. Last year was a fluke, they were making snow by now too.. Thanks, I stop by every once in a while for news but this just has me so pissed off I needed to make an account to get this off my chest. This is just the last straw, two years ago me and my husband were blasted from a blown out pipe on the Iron horse lift and ruined our day, that lift sucks too, sitting on broken seats all the time, I also heard from Patrol that heard from a lifty, last year the Phobe north face lift broke and they had to hot wire the stop gates to keep the lifts running and I wouldn't be surprised if they never fixed it.. Nice bar though! I guess we know where all their investment money went to, I can't imagine how much they spent on that horrid sculpture hanging from the lodge ceiling!!
  24. Is their snow making system broken or something? Also heard from someone in ski patrol that they had a fire over the summer and an entire trail jacked of all their cables like 8 months ago and they never replaced them, I bet the owners stashed the insurance cash. Said don't expect the mountain to be open 100% at all this year... They probably lost a ton of money on their crappy water park and can't even afford some cables.. Said the owner has a history of making last min decisions like painting the north face towers in 40 degree weather days before opening last year and paint was pealing off all year. Are we seeing another Sno Mtn now?
  25. How come Montage isn't making snow??? Are the owners too cheap to start blowing? That's right Charlie Season pass owner and pretty F**King pissed
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