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Everything posted by k2rider2690

  1. I like that idea alot...kinda like what they did at the end of the year last year...
  2. Jeenyus kevin jones pro model board...used only about 3-4 times...great condition...its a 156
  3. i have a jeenyus kevin jones used about 3 times...its a 156
  4. 250?
  5. i was up there today and it is looking good...there is alot more snow than i expected to see after only one night...here are some pictures http://community.webshots.com/album/568786251gMetyr
  6. to bad bear doesnt approach snowmaking like other mtns...bear always tries and make snow on every single trail instead of putting all of their guns on a few to at least get opened. but i wouldnt get your hopes up for a lift by this weekend
  7. yes please take some pics and post...i cant seem to get the web cams to work so this is great!
  8. unless bear drasticlly changes it sure doesnt look like they are anywhere close to being ready to start making snow...
  9. so the forcast is looking like they will be able to make some snow for this rail jam...
  10. as much as i am stoked for this cold front get real people...we live in pa...its winter one day and summer the next...i doupt bear will take the risk in blowing this early...boulder on the other hand will most likely take the chance...so hopefully we will have at least one mountain open around us
  11. well all the ice arenas around me dump it all outside...so it must not be against...but i go to the one off of macarther road in whitehall...they have piles all over the place
  12. WTF it's not on...it says it on the tv guide but it's not on!
  13. yeh im sorry...the only reason im asking to break it up is becuase i only need the actual snowboard rack...i have an suv with the racks and middle parts so yeh...but i complety understand if you really dont want to...but the snowboard racks...would they be able to mount to a middle piece like the one provided but rather like 3 inches wide unlike the one you seem to have that looks maybe like 2? is it speciftly made to mount strickly to the system you have or is it pretty universal? I just got a roof rack from some kid but it never worked on my suv so i had to sell it and i really dont want to have to go through all that again.
  14. would you be willing to part with just the snowboard rack itself?? i alraedy have mounting brackets on my suv...all i need is the snowboard rack itself...
  15. has anyone been in the prediciment that they want to work at bear but then if they dont get the job they cant get the early bird rate by the 31st of october?? I just dont know what to do...if you work there then you get a free pass so i dont want to just buy one and then end up getting the job...the whole pt of working there is for the free pass...any ideas about what to do??
  16. its way to early in the season...it would just be a waste of money for bear to blow snow...it would be gone in a week...maybe late november would be a possibility...but def not this time
  17. well guys once again another mountain is going with the park pass system....why cant bear just realize thats the way to go and avoid all of these problems!!!
  18. the supports look like it should be set up as a flat down flat...however the down part looks like it would pretty steep as the down so who knows
  19. yeh but i think he was talking about them making it out of just pure snow if the instance presented itself...but something that i think would be cool is if they made a short halfpipe that was only like 5 or so feet tall...then but things to stall on the sides...saw this in nixon jib fest like 5 years ago haha it was pretty sick
  20. im just not a fan of the semi flat in-run to a sudden drop leading right up to the jump...like the first one last year...it was almost like you were in a halfpipe...you would go down and up right away...not to mention it was pretty blind until you were about to hit the thing...cant tell you how many times i flew in and there was a kid there or something stupied
  21. i personally think that bear should have kept that old double and made it for park access only...and close off the park to the rest of the mountion unless you take that lift...bear didnt even use that double more than half the time...let alone putting in a quad...besides weekends, now its just gonna be even more crowed
  22. any pictures?? asking price range??
  23. honostly for the past three years i have been getting an off peak pass...and 99% of the time i was fine with it...until that early sat morning that i wanted to get the fresh cord...if you just hid your pass or cover up the off peak part with your finger when showing them they will never even notice...
  24. if anyone has a snowboard rack for the roof of an SUV let me know...i am interested in buying one so if anyone wants to sell just pm me!
  25. i like the idea!! keep emm comming!
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