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Everything posted by enjoralas

  1. They're an entry level package I got from Level 9 so I wouldn't have to rent all season. INOC X-carver, maker is apparently GPO. They are 160 length, 111-72-104. And I'm a real fat ass, 5'10" and 275. I'm hoping to get one more season on them before looking for something else
  2. Plan to be back in the morning, with pops. As close to first lift as possible, while the snow is still firm. Where exactly do you degenerates park?
  3. Razor and challenge look good from the lift, I didn't ski them. Looks like the groomed out the bumps on Challenge and a portion of them (if not all) on Barneys as well. I didn't ski switchback either but didn't see anything that was an issue from the top of the slope or the bottom part into Main st. Main at looks good, skied Come Around to Chute to Lower and all had decent cover. They won't be giving any lessons on the valley school hill, that's for sure. And yeah, Lazy was skiable, you could get around it but the patches were at least half the width of the trail, and together with the thin cover between them probably several hundred feet long. Lots of beginners on Lazy that need the trail width. Falls had good cover, sidewinder looks good from the lift. Skipped Paradise and NM/DW. Packing it in after only a few runs. Don't know if it's my skill level or equipment (probably mostly skill) but these conditions just kill me. Tire out the legs too quickly, and I think my skis are too short/skinny – and I'm too damn fat – for this soft slushy snow.
  4. Not gonna be any pow shots on Widowmaker this weekend . . .
  5. Nothing else I can see from the lift looks that bad, but Lazy is in rough shape
  6. I can't see how they can make another week, if my first run down Lazy is any indicator. Giant bare patches
  7. Not to bring this thread back to the topic of skiing but I ended up with a surprise day off work so I'm gonna go make a few runs. Not expecting the best conditions, but what the hell, amiright? To take it back off topic, my mom does crochet ( you know, that shit with the yarn) so she thinks it's funny to call herself a hooker
  8. They could replace the Vista lift with a high speed quad. Man, would lapping Widowmaker be the shit then!
  9. Lol, I was just kidding, I read the whole thread. There's always that guy who bumps 3 year old FS threads asking if stuff is still available. Since this was already bumped I was pretending to be that guy.
  10. Don't expect a welcome round these parts. This is more a "slow cruise down the on ramp and look for your spot to merge" sorta situation. A "more advanced trail merges from up the mountain so be careful not to get run over" deal. If you're looking for some holding hands and singing kumbaya and "thanks for the add" "tell us about yourself" kinda thing I hear the mom swap pages on Facebook go in for some of that. All that being said, seems like a decent price, good luck with the sale. Probably have more luck on epicski.
  11. Are these still available?
  12. Doesn't really matter, but buying a $500 season pass is easier with 5 $100 cards than 10 $50 one's. And a bit less of a douche move to the anxious people behind you at the ticket window.
  13. I'm generally a sharing person, as you can see, shared this deal here with y'all even though it lessened my chance to get in. But within the parameters of a particular deal, I'm all in, lol. As in, I was logged into my account, they could have made it one per up address, one per credit card, one per payment address, etc. But since they didn't, I'll load up. I'm not as hardcore as most of you, I can ski once, maybe twice a week. I gotta do whatever j can to get the season pass price down to justify it to my wife.
  14. Yeah, it goes quick. I tried to be very clear about that, lol Got 4 myself. I used 6 on the season pass I just bought. When you go to trade the vouchers for the physical gift card, most of the time if you ask they will combine two onto one $100 card. That seems to be the highest they can do though.
  15. Just a quick word of warning. They are not yours when they're in your cart. They can still sell out from under you. Check out quick.
  16. Yes. And you can use more than one gift card in the transaction. They probably do need cash flow, but they've run this deal every 2-3 months for at least the last year or so
  17. Didn't have it handy at the time. http://www.sweetdealscumulus.com/deal/allentown/blue-mountain-resort-012016-2 Ought to get you there
  18. Public Service Announcement - Blue gift cards go on sale at 9am on the Sweet Deals website, get a $50 gift card for $25. There's only 100 available, this one will sell out in minutes. Like, single digits, probably count on one hand minutes.
  19. Yeah. Coming to a stop to avoid that chick today I'm pretty sure I made an ampersand.
  20. I get it, I still use a lot of the trail as I'm getting used to the more advanced terrain. But I try to stay aware of what's going on around me too. If I'm going down a trail that I know I need to traverse back and forth quite a bit, I wait to drop in until I see no one coming. I check behind periodically and if there are multiple people coming, I'll pull up and let them pass. Most importantly, I try to stay consistent with how much of the trail I am covering, and always leave part that I'm not hitting so people can read that and get by. This chick on Burma was going full width back and forth so I timed it up to make a pass on her right after she turned back to the left. Inexplicably she turned back the right after going not quite halfway across and cut right back in front of me. I slammed on the brakes and lost the left ski, fell on my left knee. Not a bad fall, but annoyed as shit. I don't think I'm quite ready for Razors. Probably wasn't ready for Challenge today either, but it was early enough that it wasn't crowded, and wasn't all cut up yet so I figured I'd give it a go. I'm pretty pleased with the way I made it down. Heck, couple of snowboarders at the same time popped the boards off and were walking down in the brush, so at least it wasn't *that* bad. Although, kudos to them for knowing their limits and getting down safe
  21. Widowmaker was fun. You PASRers must have been through and skied it off, only ankle deep powder instead of knee deep. Took Midway over to the bottom half of Burma. Burma Road is a goddamned death trap. Piles of shit everywhere. Piles of snow too. Got taken out by a beginner that couldn't decide if she wanted to use the whole trail or just half. No collision though, just me going down when I avoided her. Headed back up the Burma Chair, I think Lazy to Falls then call it a morning.
  22. Nightmare to Dreamweaver was very nice. Great conditions. Headed back up on the six with the attention to ski over to do Switchback. On the way up decided to hell with it, let's try challenge. Seems like it's getting a little skied off, and since it was my first time on there I took it pretty slow. Went down once when I got off the side of the trail into the soft snow. Got back up and finish the run. Back up on the six (probably going to avoid the quad) and skied over to switch back. Had a good run down switchback lots of loose powder, some scraped off spots, probably where the powder came from, lol. Once it joined Main Street seemed like there were a lot of cookies. On the main street chair now, going to hit widow maker. Can't believe I stayed away from the pow this long .
  23. I don't seem to have permission to edit my posts, so will have to make new entries: Paradise was good, conditions just like Lazy with a bit more loose snow on the top layer. Bottom half had some small cookies but nothing detrimental. On the quad now headed back up for Nightmare to Dreamweaver.
  24. Slept in, arrived at the lower lot 840. No idea where yinz park but late arrival means I'm out on the second layer. On the snow by 850. Took the 6 up, first run Lazy to Falls. Nice snow, hard but not icy. Smooth enough to have a nice solid run. Back up and going to run down Paradise.
  25. 98.£% chance. Mostly because I'm on the lift right now
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