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Everything posted by enjoralas

  1. I prefer to think of it as KSL has already had discussions about the expansion pod, which of course would be the East Side 😅
  2. Perhaps Nick was interim mountain ops manager and might not be being replaced per se, but that was posted just a week ago. Nick was Director of Snowmaking as recently as 2-3 years ago
  3. Might be getting another new one too? https://www.salary.com/job/blue-mountain-resort/mountain-operations-manager/j202205030223023697552
  4. I think they definitely still intend to expand east. In the board meeting where they discussed buying that farm a few years ago Barb mentioned they wanted to add slopes over there. A hotel is going to happen of course. I think with KSL in charge it’s likely to go at the base. I get the feeling Barb was super emotionally invested in having it at the top and KSL is more likely to go with common sense. Will probably have an indoor waterpark unless they think the market saturation is too much and it would cannibalize Camelback too much. I’ve got even money odds on a mountain coaster next year. That a quick, relatively cheap addition. I wonder if there are any mountain coasters that load at the top then cart the rider back up to unload? Seems like that would be the most logical way to set it up and lump it in with the Summit Adventure stuff, unless they add more base activities at the same time.
  5. Definitely tiers below Fogo, but also much cheaper. On par with Rios over in Nazareth. The meats at both are all good and tasty, you aren't going to get the top end cuts like filet. The "sides" bar at both is also very minimal and *nothing* like at Fogo. I need to go back to Fogo, lol
  6. There's a new Brazilian Rodizio in Palmerton that we ate at once this summer. It was pretty good.
  7. No, she was quite clear. It's in Pall Merr Ton
  8. LOL
  9. New name leaked? Main Street Express. By the news reporter in the clip here, so take it with a grain of salt: https://fox56.com/news/local/blue-mountain-resort-begins-lift-renovations Another interesting read, confirms that tower footers were set 8/15: https://fox56.com/news/local/blue-mountain-resort-begins-lift-renovations Of particular interest is the last line, Blue Mountain still has some lift chairs available for anyone who is interested.
  10. If steel starts showing up, I think they can get it together pretty quickly. Like Dan said, Blue is probably mostly out of the picture at this point. If they were building it in-house, I think we'd be ready to welcome it for the 2024 winter season. But contractors wanna get paid. The footers are all in, the site looks pretty well prepped, just need the lift to show up.
  11. Definitely does. In this pic it's obvious that the station will go to the left of the building, the foundation downhill of the building is probably for the pre-fab operator house, and some (or all) of the footings on the right are for the chair storage rail @Lift Blog mentioned. They appear to be two separate rows, I wonder if they are for something else as well. And I still wonder what the three really large footings are for that are downhill of all of this picture, the zoom was too close to grab a shot of all of it
  12. looks like the footers may be there after all, so that's good. I wonder if LP is behind on delivery, with supply chain issues? There's not a whole lot of steel sitting there. Didn't see any around the lots at the bottom anywhere when we were up on Sunday. The pics that were shared earlier in the thread that aren't available anymore because Instagram is stupid may not have been Blue's lift. It looked like cobblestone type lot in the pic, but I drove by those waterpark lots at the top on Sunday as well and they were empty. I wonder if Blue isn't behind so much as there's no reason for them to be rushing if they don't have the lift yet
  13. It certainly looks that way after taking another look at your pics. Perhaps the first signal that this is "lift Coming Soon?"
  14. Scrapple egg and cheese on Waffle shack waffles sandwich?
  15. I was wondering the same thing, I expected to see a window on the other side but Benm's pictures determined that was a lie. A bit of sleuthing found this pic ( a few years old) on Leitner-Poma;s Facebook page. It seems they do indeed fab the control rooms offsite and bring them in, so I guess this room is probably for machinery maybe? For sure. Could be wrong and pics blur at distance, but there doesn't seem to be any tower footers poured uphill. I'm still not quite sure how to read the footings. The long line appears to clearly be for the station and first tower group. The ones off to the sides have me a bit confused. Especially since there are some off to both sides. For reference, also found this pic of a Leitner-Poma 6-pack on their FB page that might be a good representation of layout (and shows the prefab shack): Also noticed the mangled pipe in the bottom of this @Benm photo. Hope that wasn't important:
  16. They can open Come Around with the Vista lift
  17. There’s something there besides the scaffolding. The scaffolding is in front of the framed out bit. I just thought it looked like a bigger hole behind the framing than the door that was already there. It looked like they were roofing it too, or siding. They were whipping around strips of something that looked like shingles or vinyl siding.
  18. Is it just me, or does it look like the busted out the wall of that shack today?
  19. See everyone on the Vista lift!
  20. You can tell by the brand new lift in the middle of the pic . . .
  21. Looks like it might be rope installation day at Camelback
  22. @toast21602and I speculated the same a few pages back, I think he even said he had heard that from somewhere. It makes sense, the crews are probably pretty specialized, like concrete, then construction for the power house and op shack, electrical, crew for the lift house, tower installers, rope installers. Probably different crews, so they can do one then head south for the other
  23. This may have been obvious to everyone else, but I've just come to the realization that the house/liftline are going in looker's right of the structure that is in place there, and not in the foreground as I assumed from the visible footer and the basin which I thought would be the dip after boarding. That means that the progress on the footers/foundation is all hidden from the cam by the dirt piles.
  24. There definitely seems to be a lot more people around the site this morning than I have noticed in the past.
  25. Still not sure of the geometry that's going to happen for the lower house, but in the webcam there is clearly one footer visible, and this morning they are doing all kinds of measuring back from that footer. I think that footer is for the house and not the first tower, I'm thinking the first tower footer is probably down in that recessed area. Wonder what point they are trying to establish? Hopefully not where to place another house footer . . .
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