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Everything posted by enjoralas

  1. It shoots 360 degrees all the time and you can move the perspective around when you edit
  2. Quick edit of a run down Switchback from Saturday. The new Max seems pretty neat, allows for more interesting angles than a standard GoPro
  3. It looks like we're setting up at Copper with plans to ski M, T, Th.
  4. It is. I meant 2/8. Looked at the wrong approved day off from work. We’ll be enroute back from Denver on the 5th
  5. Pops and I are tentatively planning to ski Elk Monday, 2/5.
  6. Push ‘em in the lake
  7. Headed up in a bit to get the boy some lurnin’. Not sure if I’ll even put my boots on.
  8. I think they changed the name to pdiddy jacket
  9. Bigger prick with the vaccine
  10. Fixed it for you.
  11. Guess there won’t be a bump line on Nightmare this season
  12. enjoralas

    Elk 2020/21 Season

    I feel like Rummy’s availability should have a fair amount of weight in Gaper date selection this year — working possibility and reason, natch.
  13. Plan to. Should we do Sunday Brunch?
  14. They had already used tear gas and other less than lethal means. You just won’t hear about it on the news
  15. I think it was 2 consecutive nights after dinner. Still impressive.
  16. Oh, and Salty ate an entire pumpkin pie. That’s not weird it just deserves to be recognized.
  17. Nah, we had a really fun week and no weird occurrences at all. Except when Salty accused the hot springs shuttle driver of double charging him. And when we were at the cook your own meat place and he ran down to the downstairs grill past the empty upstairs one cause there were girls down there and then a whole group of dudes came over and c-blocked him. And when Pops got super drunk and was talking about the waitresses ass-ets. To the waitress. Okay, maybe a couple stories. I’m sure they can fill you in on the embarrassing/stupid shit I did. But Salty without the internet or Doug to impress is actually pretty normal to be around.
  18. Just to clear things up, this is my video not Salty’s, he’s in some of it though. The only part of this one that is sped up in the obvious glitchy part at about 2:00. Still not sure what happened there, it wasn’t there before the encoding process started. My laptop was fighting me too much to redo it though. The rest is real time, fat boy rest breaks and all. Salty did a video too and posted it, but this one is mine.
  19. I’m 4 seasons behind. You should be good.
  20. They shouldn’t have been forced to close.
  21. I can throw one in the truck. Or 2. The 10x20 pole tent is probably overkill.
  22. That place looks delicious
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