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Everything posted by SallyCat

  1. Lol, you used that line just recently. That joke is like 99% of pop lyrics: repetitive! Also, don't really understand the RTM thing either.
  2. You think they'll make it until next weekend? That would be awesome. I'm worrying too much, then. Last time I was there I saw a lot of potholes; got worried.
  3. Oh, on topic: out of town this weekend and seriously bummed that Blue may be closed for the season when I get back.
  4. Don't listen to those goons. They're hating on the 81s or whatever it is that Salty skis. If Salty clicked into any pair of skis, they'd be immediately denounced. I ski RTMs but for some reason I don't get the shit-stream of abuse that he gets even though I'm just as annoying and also stole a PASR's parking spot. #RTMs4lyfe
  5. NOPE, I was confusing Snowshed and Snowdon. Never mind.
  6. Huh, the Snowden quad is the main lift for the bike park in the summer. * I wonder how the upgrade work will impact bike park operations? Agree, though: that was one hella slow chair. EDIT: And yeah, that gondola was like riding the Long Island Railroad in the 1980s. Charmless and covered in graffiti. I like bubble chairs better, anyway. No need to take off skis. *(Yes, the gondi goes to the top trails, but those are pretty gnarly and technical. The bulk of park users are in teh Snowden/Ramshead area.)
  7. Me, too! I used to work at a record store on Long Island called "Record World." But then CDs came along so they changed the name of the store to "Square Circle." Which was pretty lame. Tower was always the Vatican of record stores; a huge, exciting, pilgrimage destination.
  8. Will the temps allow for snowmaking? Would Blue make snow if they could? Would be nice to salvage maybe another week of the season if possible.
  9. True Fact: I won a radio call-in contest on a rotary phone. Tickets to see Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
  10. That actually a lot of choices. I miss "Wide World of Sports." Remember watching log rolling and stuff like that just because it was on, and there weren't any other options?
  11. That's all there was when we were kids. And there were five of us, so if you wanted privacy you had to stretch the cord out the back door and just deal with the weather. It literally took physical effort to dial a number.
  12. Before my time! Man, I feel young!
  13. Holy shit; I had to reschedule a meeting in Truckee from Friday to Monday because of snow. I thought it was a little weird for them to cancel on account of snow. Just looked at the forecast, and there is up to FIVE FEET of snow predicted to fall in 48 hours in the High Sierra. I'm bringing my boots and calling Sunday a good day to be Sally.
  14. You're properly old when you've purchased a bunch of your music three times: LP, cassette, and CD.
  15. It's just a bit....downtrodden. If I had the cash I would buy it and renovate it into a modern hostel that also had some affordable rooms. I'd create a nice bright lounge area with a fireplace, a bar but no restaurant: I'd bring in food trucks like they do at the Kingdom Trails in East Burke, VT. It would be a hopping social hub. You can't beat the location. It's sort of my side-dream to run a place that caters to people like me: people who don't make a lot of money but like to ski and are hobbled by high lodging costs. Anyway, SLL is fine, just get all your shots before you go.
  16. Was her location "in front of you"? If so, then you would have been 100% at fault if you'd hit her. It's Blue. There are under-skilled goobers on every trail most of the time. If you don't like it, move someplace with off-piste and/or backcountry skiing.
  17. ^ A man was killed last month by a snowboarder flying over the falls and hitting him. So when you say you almost hit someone followed by "Lulz" it sounds really callous. I don't know your personality and how that translates to your tone/writing style. I certainly assume you didn't mean it to sound insensitive. I'm only posting to give you some context as to why your comment may have landed badly. Peace. Sally
  18. Why sketchy?
  19. Fun night at Blue. Arrived to a sparsely-occupied parking lot, warm breezes, and a blue sky. Here are some new developments: There are no longer any bumps on Barney's/Main st. Widowmaker is closed, and there's a backhoe over there that suggests that they're fixing to cannibalize the snow for use on other trails. The little terrain park off Burma is closed (Yeti?) From 3 until about 6, the snow was very soft, but not grabby. Favorite run: Switchback. I decided to take the Main Street double at one point and right at the front of the line was Some Dude on rental equipment adjusting his boots and holding up everyone on the Burma side. Dude was engrossed in adjustment as chair after empty chair went by. So I zipped past him and lined up. I turned around to look at the arriving chair and there is Dude flailing his arms and legs and cursing as he sprawled across the entire chair. Either he tried to line up and then realized his mistake or he just blundered forward and the chair hit him when it came around. Whatever the reason, the liftie didn't slow or stop the chair right away. I couldn't sit on the chair because terrified, shouting, cursing Dude was taking up both seats and waving his skis around crazily. I tried to step to the side and let the chair pass, but i didn't make it and the chair hit me in the back, knocked me down, and dragged me and Dude forward, off the wooden platform and into the grass. FINALLY the lift stopped moving and the liftie helped me up and back on the loading deck. Dude was screaming and cursing and throwing his skis around, telling his friends he was "done" for the day. I was just glad I didn't hurt myself other than a strained lower back muscle and a bit of a tweaked knee.
  20. Lower Sidewinder. No poles anywhere, and there are lots of these potholes scattered about. It's setting up like rutted concrete now. Man if they groomed at 6pm on days like this, night conditions would be amazing.
  21. I didn't buy a pass, so your parking spots are safe for next year. No promises about the rest of this season, though. Snooze ya lose!
  22. Arrived around 3. This isn't a trip report yet, just a holla to get out here if you can. It's warm, sunny, and soft. Some asshole on rental skis tried to maim me at the Main st. chair but I'm still here. More on that later. Git some snow while it's here.
  23. You're scared you might like the RTMs. You probably secretly like them a little already, that's why you lash out at them so strongly. It's ok, man, ski preference is a rich tapestry, a broad, fluid spectrum of possibilities. There's no "right" ski to love, and this forum is a safe space to express your desires.
  24. I know your last name just from seeing your posts on Blue's FB page and guessing. But I mean, all that does is put a real name with a PASR handle, and so what? What I do for a living is hard to hide in a fairly small region like this (everybody around here knows people who go to or went to my school). Hell, my LinkedIn account is basically my life story, and that's the first thing that comes up when you google me. But I'm a broke, middle-aged schoolteacher with a decade-old car, an elderly housecat with rage issues, and pretty soon no job, so if anyone wants to steal my identity, rock on, but you have to steal ALL of it.
  25. I just assumed everyone pretty much knew everyone else IRL since it's a local forum, after all. Then I posted a link to facebook and was sort of "warned" that people here could find out my real name, etc. I mean, yeah, but...do what with it? I'm Chris, I'm boring and have cats and suck at skiing but am excellent at parallel parking, shooting free throws, and drinking IPAs. So I joke and snark around and curse on PASR. That would surprise exactly nobody who knows me IRL.
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