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Posts posted by Deleted

  1. Don't put it past Blue to pull more blunders during the season...
    I think they had already blundered again by not taking full advantage of the inversion last week to blow as much in the valley as they could.  Since the temps were low enough to make snow, why not blow on Home Stretch and the lower park so that they're ready to open the valley ASAP?  Once the cold front passed, all they would have had to do was to blow enough on Tut's for a WROD and they would have been gold.
    It still just boggles the mind that they've been doing this for so many years and they still can't get it right.  It's like every year they have to learn it all over again.
    You mean the time they spent blowing on Lazy Mile and Upper Main Street to open them? Look at how thin Lower Lazy is! I bet they go back and redo that either before or while they hit Home Stretch.

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  2. A crick is like a creek but where a creek is picturesque with ripples, sipping deer, and dappled sunlight, a crick has abandoned tires/cars, muddy banks, and tangled fishing tackle.

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  3. I would guess that Upper Main and Lazy will run simultaneously and open within a day or two of each other - but we're all guessing based on what Blue's done in the past. I meant to propose the most agressive and most conservative options I saw.

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  4. They were confident enough to take groomers on Home Stretch and push Valley School - I'd be surprised if they lost *everything* there or on Vista. Heck, Vista is still a solid foot thick everywhere.

    If they skip over upper Main St. In favor of Tut's, Lazy, Home Stretch things look very different than if they first rework Midway, Come Around, Lower Main and Easy Out.

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