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    Salomon Buzz 99s
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Super-G Racer

Super-G Racer (6/10)

  1. I did and almost made it a full two hours before soaking through. Snow was grate but had to constantly wipe (my goggles). Lil Boo had camp and they had her out in rain for the entire 3 hours. Needless to say she wasn't happy.
  2. Saturday and Sunday. WAC is more hardcore than GSS
  3. I should be good for the 24th. I have a couple extra free passes too
  4. Looks like that intersection is only going to get worse with CS still dropping into it per the snowmaking map. I can't even see how to could go around it.
  5. Was up last night and wasn’t great. Thin sugar was fine to start but as it dipped below freezing, everything not scraped off turned solid
  6. Fun weekend and glad Sunday conditions were better than Saturday. Picture of the Law brothers fit check and one we got back from ski camp featuring little Boo and @Mixilplix
  7. I got rid of the double post. Looking forward to the reports! Have a great trip.
  8. @JFskiDan should have to give his GS cookies back for no shout out Skied with the family for 4 runs until they went in for hot chocolate. Had solo laps until the lines and cold made me say parking lot time. Lazy was surprisingly bad for how cold it is. Sidewinder was my ROTM.
  9. Heated socks and hand warmers made for a pleasant evening. Skied 6-8 with a minimal crowd. Couple slick spots but smooth and good snow. NMDW was still closed and Rzr’s opened around 7
  10. Pulled mine out today and 78 pulls later, it’s alive
  11. I learned full Ikon was not blocked, only base. Great day skiing with the kids. The crowd was better than expected after last weekend. Right side line of MS lift was wide open and we lapped that after 10 since our friends don’t get VIP. Everyone just kept left for no reason.
  12. Modelo Especial passed Bud Light nationally after their bad PR stunt. Miller Lite is the most popular in eastern PA
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