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Invisible charc

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Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. I'll just leave this here. https://group.shopskibluemt.com/group-all-access-season-pass
  2. yes i posted as i drove over the mountain at 31-29 degrees (& SNOWING!) that it was odd that they were not blowing easily days from opening. Call me one more name GSS. i dare you. ad hominem attacks are a trademark of weakness.
  3. yea, mctoasty, i’m giftcards. pathetic i pay attention to blue stealing from us EVERY week & say NOTHING. i speak up (on a day no one else does) about a uniquely good experience at blue & you all start in with the self righteous, holier than thou bullshit. What is wrong with you? Did your mommy not hug you enough as a kid?
  4. See, normally you folk get a chance to edit you’re stream of thought.. I was not given this chance oh capitalization warrior. notice unedited. curious. So i capitalized & punctuated my prose, An idiotic excercise considering the subject, reposted (as edit was not possible) for your reply on the actual content. You’re board here does this auto-un-rich-text nonsense. My words are in english. Simpletons have short attention spans.. Acknowledge the veracity of the report & experience on a day you-all posted NOTHING of blue’s conditions. Or, as someone so recently stated so very eloquently; something of the delta between mental planes. Yes, i ignore capitalization, and often a sentence about a single run will run on until the end of the run. so what. If y’all are bothered by someone filling a void with relevent data, i’ll not bother to. Lesson learned, You’re welcome, thanks. keep sucking blues a$$ quislings
  5. Friday, February 8, 2019 (have you ever backside 50-50’ed a pool corner?) I awoke to rain, then pouring harder. Yada... I arrived at the valley precisely 11:16 am to no one but sunshine, alabaster Pennsylvania blue, & no cirrus in sight. Sidewinder looked so fun on the way up. ...Glorious flattened rollers made for giant speeding arcs springing across flats to landings, landings everywhere; top to lazy with the 40deg sun-beat spring on your boots. More speed management was clutch, ditching most to carry steamy momentum through the two corners: the first tall as you wanted to go; the second so bowled as to be an old school backside grind on the 10 ft tall pool coping.. across the 20 ft long bowl deck all the way around.. Your parabola of centrifugal charc overtaken by the increasingly centripetal convexity of the corner~ you can almost feel the trucks grinding: 0 g hanging sideways until you lose lift, rock back in with a TALL smoothish run-out. Straight into the chopped up corner with a drop gap; to another bump landing groomer line. Down but 2 turns to the 3-part future of the day. First, in cement-mixer no-mans land; a divine box of transitions. Left was 3-8 ft mini ramp take-off, long 10 ft wide top fading out 30ft landing, or right across the flat with 2 horizon lines- 4 ft and 8 ft down.. Homies going big everywhich way, longheads floating longer.. This was but the slow-you-down fun distraction on the way to the longest, tallest in-run-roller so far. The days speed at noon wasn’t giving me a roll, so I charged the knuckle. Grinding past the 5 ft lip across the 14-16 flat; 0 g to dropfeel the Sweeet long landing humming right into a longer-taller feeling 7 ft tall lip 24 ft table to the sweet spot again; fairly robust 25 ft tall wide-load landing. Yes, this was going to be a very fun afternoon. Take the roll with a skate or two into the first, woop extra lippy. Straight to the moon, where did that come from- setting you right back in the steep; if a bit long at unity.. ...Charge! you need ALL that speed~ The second has a fuller tranny, a bit effortless really: and so much time, to hang out, in the past, but the future is always right on time = best be ready to pounce. Silent landing if you did it right. Wet, lather, rinse, repeat. Very nice job park crew. Ooh & that tree gap on burma is ripening... Everything else was fine: toured, then Sidewinder for hours (ROTD.) Razors had the measles, positively teaming with germs. Nightmare was wicked fun, seems the boardercross has melted into a fatty pumptrack. Good for some doubles anyway; some fun banked turns to air. Switchback was the empty, ultimate louge run. Collected so many g’s that run my thighs were steaming by main st. Challenge was too busy, and too piley for optimum cruising fun. Pumps & hoses was looking ripe except the measles.. Pre-lazy glade reminded me of a l o n g blackcomb snaking skatebowl; smooth & cruisy. Over-all: snow was butter melty chord to 3” deep spring anywhere you left rails. Get it kids, tick tock..
  6. friday, february 8 2019 (ever backside 50-50’ed a pool corner?) i awoke to rain, then pouring harder. yada arrived at the valley 11:16 am to no one, Sunshine, alabaster pensylvaniablue, & no cirrus in sight. Sidewinder looked so fun on the way up glorious flattened rollers made for giant speeding arcs springing across flats to landings, landings everywhere top to lazy with the 40deg sun-beat spring on your boots some more speed management was clutch ditching most to carry steamy momentum through the two corners, the first tall as you wanted to go, the second so bowled as to be an old school backside grind on the 10 ft tall pool coping across the 20 ft long bowl deck around the corner, your parabola of centrifugal charc overtaken by the centripetal convexity of the corner~ you can almost feel the trucks grinding: 0 g hanging sideways until you lose lift, rock back in with a TALL smoothish run-out straight into the chopped up corner with a drop gap to another bump landing groomer line, down but 2 turns to the 3-part future of the day. first, in cement-mixer no-mans land a divine box of transitions left was 3-8 ft mini ramp take-off, long 10 ft wide top fading out 30ft landing or right across the flat with 2 horizon lines. 4 ft and 8 ft down.. homies going big everywhich way, longheads floating longer.. but this was but the slow you down fun distraction on the way to the longest, tallest in-run-roller so far. The days speed at noon wasn’t giving me a roll, so i charged the knuckle- grinding past the 5 ft lip across the 14-16 flat; 0 g to dropfeel the landing.. sweeet long landing humming right into a longer-taller feeling 7 ft tall lip 24 ft table to the sweet again fairly robust 25 ft tall wide-load landing. yes, this was going to be a very fun afternoon. take the roll with a skate or two into the first, woop extra lippy straight to the moon, where did that come from? setting you right back in the steep, if a bit long at unity.. charge you need all that speed~ the second has a fuller tranny, a bit effortless really, and so much time, to hang out, in the past, but the future is always right on time best be ready to pounce silent landing if you did it right. wet, lather, rinse, repeat nice job park crew ooh & that tree gap on burma is ripening everything else was fine, toured then Sidewinder for hours (ROTD.) razors had the measles, positively teaming with germs. nightmare was wicked fun, seems the boardercross has melted into a fatty pumptrack. good for some doubles anyway; some fun banked turns to air. Switchback was the empty ultimate louge run. collected so many g’s that run my thighs were steaming by main st. challenge was too busy, and too piley for optimum cruising fun. pumps & hoses was looking ripe except the measles.. pre-lazy glade reminded me of a l o n g blackcomb snaking skatebowl. smooth & cruisy snow was butter melty chord to 3” deep spring anywhere you left rails. get it kids, tick tock
  7. submitted with comment. blue for gods sake you are selling yourself shamefully short. EVERY single member of this board has hundreds of INFINITELY better pictures. of blue. Super fun days at; YOUR mountain, that you are trying desperately to attract people to; with pictures of~ what switzerland? Why don't you have contests for particular marketing needs? Betcha people would GIVE them to you to use, let alone trade them a beer or two. ((( shaking head ))) i want my mountain to be true, but it keeps on being fake
  8. Why not? What possible reason could they have to not blow as much as they can EACH & every one of these dozens of cold enough nights?
  9. For heaven’s sake. Salty they are f’ing with you. I have seen a pasr post twice in my life before yesterday. I had no idea you eviscerate holding blues feet to the fire when they lie to us. Certainly not trolling. EVERY single sentence I spoke in both posts was simple truth. No ad hominim attacks, no calling out a single member of this board. (((( blue )))) pulls stupid 3rd grade blunders constantly. (like pretending their mountain is among the Rockies.) i poke fun at neophytic ideas like a marketing department that thinks the first public image of a “resort” can be of a LARGER place 2000 miles away. if you guys can’t make fun of holier-than-thou prissy pants blue when the blow it, what fun is putting up with it. please leave salty ant be gents- he’s a good cat with researched opinions. i asked the easy local singles lady which run it was on the main page she paused, checked. & ended the chat. just curious, my old knees want that run.
  10. https://www.skibluemt.com/ Blue’s main page is playing pretend again.
  11. Not a one. Blue has it hands down. Hence we all grovel to their every whim.
  12. Super-cool newfangled device called a thermometer: coupled with locality = pretty darn close estimation of temp 1000 ft higher. But we can pretend. Now that I "know" there's only been 5 nights of snowmaking weather I feel so much more in-tune to how hard blue worked to make that 1 run SO smooth. Go blue go ~ way to exceed the LOW expectations you set ♡ Good job! incidentally, I am not attacking any of you, yet you defend blue in their obvious half-assed efforts. Bizarre but whateh. I guess we collectively haven't skied enough to ascertain the line between reality & the company kool-aid. Slurping it up boys and girls. That 1/2 a run was EPIC
  13. Thank you for proving my point. They didn't WANT to be open yet.
  14. "Today was a great early opening day with more terrain than expected and they barely had any snowmaking weather to open and coverage is great. Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate" "More terrain than expected.. " because you came expecting 300' vert! At least 15 nights of freezing temps out of the last 30, with 30+ nights of below zero so far.. yeah, that's "barely any." If you don't have facts - your spewing. Shiller's gonna shill.
  15. Ooooh- AMAZEBALLS! Blued again. Main St chair was open ~ until it broke. Almost 2 whole hours of "quality" shred before delapidation rears her ugly head again. Can you wait for the 6 to go down CONSTANTLY? How many hours cumulatively did you sit motionless in the breeze last year? "Yummy" stale cookies = legit reparations you can count on (while you stand with 150 others watching empty chairs cruising up the hill.) How many times have you heard "We can cover the hill with 3 days of Snowmaking?" 20+ nights of snowmaking temps + 8" of NATURAL and this is Opening Day? Highest vertical in PA! & We are Open! (Closed monday-friday until further notice) I await with reticence the common closures on forecast alone, let alone consistant closure for inclement weather. LOVE the terrain at little gap ski area & laugh at the little fauxresort that can't be bothered to run a skI hill. Perhaps we need a spot to let them know of the REALITY of our daily experiences. Earth to blue- we ride mountains all over the world & not one other ski area acts with such contempt of their organic sales force. At least they keep laughing. ~chargingARC
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