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Everything posted by mikes781

  1. Wish I could jump on this but am away that first week. Did the men’s clinic last year and it was worthwhile, but couldn’t swing the mornings off this year. Which instructor is leading it?
  2. Got some runs in this morning. Was in early enough to get in that front row and was wondering why the rest was roped off. Razors was just sitting there looking too good to not ski. I thought about getting “lost” on the top of Challenge and wandering to the right. Lapped Sidewinder several times and Main was getting pretty nice when I had to leave at 12.
  3. My daughter hadn’t been out yet and wanted to go this morning to shake off the rust off before we head to VT at the end of next week. Conditions were ok but we had fun. Called it quits around 11 when the crowds rolled in. To be expected but have been spoiled the past few weeks not having to deal with lines.
  4. Planned on only sticking around until 11 or 12 but kept going until 2. Lazy was great first thing as was Main. Happened to be going down Paradise when I saw the rope gone for NWDW. Cookied up in spots but still a lot of fun. Happy to finally get on Freefall.
  5. Lol this dude in the green jacket? That would be me. I lurk here from time to time. 😉 Had a blast this morning. Don’t know how many times I lapped Lazy to Falls but I seemed to keep missing the log jams so I kept going back.
  6. What grade are they in? Two years ago they offered a season pass for around $90 for sixth graders that had the PA 4th/5th grade pass the previous year. They didn’t advertise it anywhere that I saw. Found out throw someone at the CS desk while setting up a lesson.
  7. Official opening Friday at 9
  8. I’m thinking the crane will be off the top of the hill and working on the bottom terminal within a few days.
  9. It sure does look that way.
  10. Yep definitely running cable. You can see them pulling it on the Valley cam.
  11. Imagine that they will bring I a crane to lift the bottom and top terminals. Need a camera at the top so we can see what’s going on. 😀
  12. That’s the supports for the terminal outlined in the box. I think the roll of cable sitting on valley school east just above the construction area near the tower. They dropped that there a few weeks ago. It was something heavy. I recall them unloading it with a crane.
  13. Looks like they headed back down to the parking lot for beers. Fire up the lights and let’s get this done.
  14. Yep zoomed way out now on Valley
  15. Moving fast. Looks like they are all up on Valley School
  16. Smooth dirt must have been the hold up.
  17. Job trailer also appeared this week. Have to be getting closer to seeing the lift start to go up right? Might be more optimistic if the materials were actually there already.
  18. The window is going to be in the opposite side right? It seems thats where the footers are for the terminal.
  19. Scaffolding. When I looked earlier it seemed like they were painting it.
  20. It looks like they might be regrading the bottom of Burma also?
  21. Right as the action was about to take place there. 👎
  22. Lots of activity this morning.
  23. Actually moved the Valley cam and now you can see the activity for the new lift at the base.
  24. Metal power structure thing came down this morning.
  25. I recently listened to a podcast interview with the CEO of Altera and he was asked directly about adding camelback to Ikon. His answer was circular and noncommittal but he did indicate that there have been a lot of discussions about it. It appears that while KSL owns both Altera and Camelback they are run separately so there are probably some logistics to work through to make that happen. Ikon doesn’t have a presence in the area and if they want to compete with Epic they almost have to add Camelback. I haven’t read whether KSL actually is buying Blue outright or just coming on as a partner for additional development. If it’s the former it’s probably just a matter of time before they go Ikon.
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