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Everything posted by mikes781

  1. Got my 2nd Pfizer shot a few days ago and no side effects at all. I’ve know a handful of people who have gotten and only one felt like crap the following day.
  2. Yep. Got mine this morning. 28% increase over the 429 price the past few years. I think I paid 399 last year. The writing was on the wall when they were selling out even with the higher COVID prices. Saving money though...
  3. I’m talking about the people lol... not much faith in our leaders here either. Maybe this shit show has a few of them come to there senses.
  4. I think if the far right and left could get over their irrational fear of each other for a few minutes and actually talk and consider each other’s struggles they’d be surprised by how much common ground they’d find. Unfortunately there are those leaders that prey on those fears and legitimate problems to drive their agenda and it’s rarely in the best interest of the country.
  5. Took my youngest out this morning. Was surprised by the lack of crowds. Some started rolling in around 10 or 11 but the wait for the 6 wasn’t more than 5 minutes. We bailed around noon.
  6. Took me about an hour yesterday morning to get a ticket for my daughter for this Wednesday. I’m laughed when my buddy told me later in the day he was just about done with the queue to get in thinking he was close to having a ticket in hand. I informed him that he was just waiting for the privilege of waiting some more. [emoji83]
  7. They have the guns going. Was thinking about taking my youngest tomorrow but probably going to hold off until Sunday morning. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. I just looked on the webcam on Main. I was wondering if that was the line creeping up. Guess I got my answer.
  9. Lol my daughter was ogling your pup when we were leaving today.
  10. Is it me or does it look like they are blowing snow up off the six pack towards paradise and dreamweaver?
  11. https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Travelers.aspx How is this Order enforced? The Order is enforceable as a disease control measure under the Disease Prevention and Control Law. The Administration continues to encourage compliance, and expects that, since all people are affected by this virus, everyone will do their utmost to comply. Persons who fail to comply with the Order may be fined between $25.00 and $300.00 dollars.
  12. Probably not unless they want to go around blues parking lot looking for out of state plates. Realistically my wife and I both work from home, my kids will probably be all virtual soon, and we are all pretty diligent about social distancing and wearing masks. Fortunately our county has free testing 5 minutes from my house. My family has used it 2x for what amounted to colds and allergies but better safe that sorry. This winter will be a shit show so we’ll see how it plays out.
  13. Uggh I’m in NJ. So I guess that means that I need to move back in with my parents in PA for the winter or do the long drive to Hunter every weekend if that is allowed.
  14. Indoor sports or high contact sports can’t happen now. We normally do indoor training but that will be put on hold. I haven’t seen the PA order yet, but myself and one of my daughters have season passes to Blue. [emoji17]. I had held off on getting my older daughter one.
  15. For the most part it’s been ok in SJ from what I’ve seen. No issues at all with people not wearing masks indoors... outdoors it mixed.
  16. Double post
  17. Its been interesting to see how outdoor activities have fared over the summer. Both my girls play travel softball and I coach. It certainly hasn’t been business as usual and there have been precautions put in place, but they participated in practice and multiple tournaments since July and I’m not aware of a single case of transmission related to them. We’re talking dozens of teams at some of these tournaments and mixed levels of distancing. There were one or two scares that I heard of where a player had been in contact with someone who tested positive off the field, but they self isolated until they could test negative. My kids are in school 2x days a week for short days and knock on wood there have been no transmissions there either. Our HS has had a few. The rising numbers don’t surprise me though. Some of the things we could get away with when we were outdoors aren’t going to fly over the winter. People are just tending to get complacent after get a false sense of security over the summer.
  18. Montauk is an awesome place to fish. It’s been a few years but I used to get out there several days every fall surf fishing, wet suiting and boat fishing. Blitzes like that are pretty reliable up there in September and October. I’ve stood on rocks surrounded by schools of blitzing bass when all you needed to do was hand line a bucktail to catch one lol. Where there any albies mixed in?
  19. I’m thinking I’m might just need to bite the bullet and get my 13yo a season pass. My younger daughter already has the 6th grade pass and rather have the flexibility to go without worrying if i can get a ticket for her older sister. Was planning on just purchasing a couple of 3 packs for her but I’m wondering if they’ll offer them this year?
  20. My neighbor two doors down has one of those generators that sounds like a diesel truck. He probably can’t hear it because his windows are closed running his AC. I had our widows opened to deal with the heat and it kept me up until about 2 when thankfully our our power came back on and we could fire up the AC. For the first ten years at this house we rarely had issues with our power going out. Maybe an hour or so every other year including during Sandy when it just flickered. The past year we’ve had two outages that have lasted several days and it has me thinking about investing in a generator.
  21. Yep we’re in that same boat in SJ. Power not scheduled to come back until Saturday. There are power company trucks from all over here so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow.
  22. I walk my dog several miles a night and have yet to see anyone wearing a mask. Plenty of people walking but we can just give each other a wide berth. Stores are a different story... everyone in masks and many wearing gloves. Every saw a woman with a face shield on at Wegmans last week. I just wear a buff.
  23. Took my girls to the softball field for a few hours, then took the dog for a walk and swim, and jumped in our pool with my youngest... not quiet swimming weather yet!
  24. Been wanting to take my kids up there camping for a while. Things settle down here in a few weeks we may need to make the run.
  25. I’m independent and have probably voted republican as much as democratic in my life but how people continued to rationalize this guys dribble is unbelievable. They will though. My wife watching the conference on her phone last night and when I overheard it I assume it was an SNL skit.
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