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Everything posted by PSUFrankenstein

  1. Looks awesome. I should have showed up today instead of yesterday
  2. Yeah Benm was there. Antman too. Today was good. Soft snow and empty runs on switchback and main street. Did switchback 6 times I think. Main street chair was empty but chairs were a layer of ice at first. Pizza and parking lot were awesome as usual
  3. Yeah same experience - they told me to ride for 3 days or so to naturally mold them a bit before going back to do the heat molding. If you don't like it after the heat molding, I think they said they can re-do it one or two more times after that. You should get better control once you have the heat molding done I would think - I know I did, but these boots definitely fit better than my previous ones
  4. What'd ya get for boots? I bought Burton Rulers two years ago I think...with upgraded insoles. The first couple trips sucked until they got broken in and I had the insoles molded. They're awesome now
  5. Probably Saturday morning for me
  6. I don't think anyone mentioned it, but you should get a code reader. $ 20 from Wal Mart - I have the same one but Harbor Freight brand https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hyper-Tough-HT309-OBD2-Scan-Diagnostic-Tool-Code-Reader-Red/54620271?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=2167&&adid=22222222227000000000&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=42423897272&wl4=pla-51320962143&wl5=9007365&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=54620271&veh=sem&gclid=CjwKCAiA57D_BRAZEiwAZcfCxX16DY3VRsI8k_npi-6fbHGOEGCeg3rC445IgP7_7A8of5SBcisBwhoCYNQQAvD_BwE
  7. No... I just trust that most of PASR has enough sense to avoid unnecessary situations that would expose them to covid.
  8. Honestly if I'm not riding the lift with pasr people I'd rather be solo. Saturday was kind of a free for all with random people jumping on the lift with me even though lift lines were non existent
  9. Paradise was good...nightmare dreamweaver was ok. I hit that the most since it was empty Parking lot was good as usual...pops bought pizza which was awesome
  10. That looks terrible...pretty crazy stuff
  11. Heavy snow here for about a half hour. Nothing now. Supposed to feel like single digit temps at Blue tomorrow morning
  12. Should be there Saturday morning
  13. Holgate yesterday...now a flat, fishless beach. Nice weather yesterday though. Could have launched the kayak off the beach if I wanted to
  14. have a good time Douglas. I was hoping to make it this morning, but the wife is busy...dropped the kid off at day care, have to do some work (even though today is a paid holiday for me)...then have to pick up my daughter at lunch time since it's a half day for them. Hopefully should be up on Saturday
  15. looks awesome - I'm hoping to get there Thursday morning, but I'm not sure if the weather is going to cooperate
  16. hey, leave me out of your rant I do eat my vegetables and wear a mask though
  17. She said she NEEDS to snowboard...probably because that's what I do and she thinks I'm the coolest person in the world (she'll figure out that's not true when she gets older) I think it'd be easier for her to learn on skis first, but we'll see. I'd like to get her to Blue at some point and play around on skis/board, whatever she decides.
  18. She keeps asking to come to Blue with me...not sure if it's better to get her out on skis or a snowboard first.
  19. Took the kid sledding again this afternoon...she asked to go for a ride on the snowboard
  20. Great day...pork belly burnt ends were awesome. Nice to have paradise open today
  21. Good getting on on the snow and seeing some of you guys...did a few runs on main street to start off since there was no lift line there. Then a few runs on lazy. I should be back on Sunday
  22. the Paradise at CB looks a little better than Paradise at Blue...
  23. I plan on doing Montage at some point over Christmas (partially to make a stop at the pierogi place in Wilkes-Barre and Breaker Brewing).
  24. I think he means the couch as in the 6 pack lift.
  25. Montage is opening today with a few good trails - Boomer, Smoke, and Cannonball are all open. Too bad their tickets are no longer cheap, although I think they still offer a 10% AAA discount
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