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Bear Creek PR

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Everything posted by Bear Creek PR

  1. Bear Creek has just signed on to host two competitions for the Mid-Atlantic Snowboard Series. The events will be a Slopestyle competition on Saturday, January 28 and a Halfpipe competition on Sunday, January 29.
  2. Here at Bear Creek, we take pride in our terrain park, our mountain, our base facilties, and our customer service values. We also respect the other mountains in the industry and realize that, in the end, we're all in this together working to create a love for the sport. Mountains like Bear Creek and Mountain Creek are working hard to push the mid-Atlantic terrain park scene and we should be thankful that the local skiers and riders have the option of more than one mountain dedicated to progressing the sport. Mary Bortz Bear Creek Public Relations Manager
  3. BCparkstaff is right.... Our general answer to the question "When are you going to open?" is early to mid December, depending on weather. Let's all hope for cold weather!
  4. Hi Everyone, It was great to meet you all and put a face with your names. Sorry I didn't get a chance to watch the grass skiing, but make sure you send me photos to maryb@skibearcreek.com. I might be able to get them on the Bear Creek website. Also, thanks for all your support of Bear Creek. I hope you guys had as much fun as I did this weekend!! Thanks again, Mary
  5. Just a reminder, anyone bringing a carved pumpkin to be displayed and in the competition has to register it with me first. Shoot me an email at maryb@skibearcreek.com. If you're just planning on displaying them at the PSAR table, that's a different story. Those I don't need to know about. Thanks, and see you all tomorrow!
  6. The winner of this weekend's pumpkin carving contest at the Fall Festival is going to win an Unlimited Season Pass! All you need to do is carve out a pumpkin, drop it off either Friday night or Saturday morning and hope that you get the most votes from the people who come to the Festival! We'll annouce the winner on Sunday afternoon. The cost to enter is free, and right now we only have 3 people entered, so your chances are pretty good. If you are interested in entering, email me by Friday at maryb@skibearcreek.com with your name, phone number, address and age. Thanks!! Mary
  7. I know it is still a few weeks away, but Bear Creek will be premiering the new Warren Miller film on Sunday, November 6th at 1pm! You can get your tickets at Bear Creek Guest Services or at Pinnacle Sports. In addition to the film, there will be a silent auction with great items to bid on. See you there!
  8. I can't create an account for PSAR to purchase season passes on. That's something you will need to do on your own. As long as you get together to buy more than one pass at a time, you'll get the discount. As for Club Day, we will honor PSAR cards for the discount. However, this needs to be an official card distributed by PSAR. It would help if I could get a copy of what the membership cards will look like so I can give a sample to the ticket window. Thanks, Mary
  9. Yes, I mean that you will have to carry your equipment up with you on the lift. Sorry for the confusion. Also, only the quad chair will be running during the Festival. Thanks! ~Mary
  10. Just so everyone knows, we will be holding our official job fair this Sunday, October 16th from 10am-2pm in the lodge. If you're interested in a seasonal position at Bear Creek, this is the time to come, fill out an application, and get an on-the-spot interview. For a list of hiring departments, visit our website.
  11. Hi guys, I know you all want to see a rail jam, but we just can't swing it this year. Since this is our first Festival we need to focus on making a few events run smoothly. If everything goes well, we will consider it for next year's Festival. As for pond skimming, that's also not something we can pull off for the Festival. However, we will be doing it again at least once this season, and maybe more than that. We're actually working on installing a pond liner on the mountain in the coming weeks so that we won't have any of the issues we did last winter with the ripping. Now for some good news. We will allow grass skiing at the Fall Festival! I just checked with Mark and he said it wasn't a problem. However, if we get huge crowds, we may not allow equipment on the chair lift, so be prepared for that. Let me know if you have any other questions!
  12. Hi everyone, Make sure you check out our 1st Annual Fall Festival at the end of the month on 10/29 and 10/30! We are going to have activities for the whole family, including chair lift rides, hay rides, a craft show, a used equipment sale, family portraits, kid's crafts, face painting, caricatures, pie eating and apple bobbing contests, a magic show, jugglers, lots of food and much, much more! Admission is free! Hope to see you all there! ~Mary Bear Creek Public Relations Manager
  13. Yes, Bear Creek is still offering Club Day each Wednesdays. Show your club ID and receive a $12 extended day lift ticket. Let me know if there are any other questions that need answering!
  14. Yes, we are still having Club Day on Wednesdays. Show your Ski & Snowboard Club membership card and receive an extended day lift ticket (valid open-close) for $12. Also, we'll still be having NASTAR on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 7-9pm.
  15. Hello Everyone, I am the Public Relations Manager at Bear Creek and will be more than happy to provide you information to any of the questions you have, or to clear up any rumors. I'll try to log in as often as possible (hopefully everyday once the season begins). For now, I can tell you that the following things are being worked on for next season: We're getting 2 new magic carpets (one to replace the handle tow Cub Run and one to replace the two tows in snowtubing), we're expanding the bar/restaurant and we're adding a loft onto the Ski School. Those are the most major projects that we have going on right now. Let me know if you have any questions, and I'll talk to you soon!
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